Wednesday, March 29, 2017


[Twisted post on March 27, 2012 at 1:06pm]

Wow, I didn’t realize how I missed my bike. I’m using it again, blame it to fare hike.

Yes, Virginia, after a long, long, while, my old reliable is back in style. Just like then more often, it lorded over competition from Dulunan to The Atrium. It takes me high really when those high-end bikes bite my dust as well as swallow my emitted carbon.

Twice yesterday a tinkered XRMer hurled verbal insults at my vintage TMS each time he successfully overtook me while we were in the thick of our tit-for-tat traffic sewing. But during the final stage, when I came down roaring at top speed as I counter-flowed with barely an inch to spare between him on my right and the on-rushing vehicles from the opposite direction on my left, I let my bike do the talking.

Yeah, I was, still am, and will be sure, he’d be obviously deathly scared to follow. He must’ve thought only egomaniacs do those kinda stuff, aside from a psycho.

And only a few seconds after that, you realized you’d done again something stupid. Forgetting for the meantime that you have at least four poor mouths to shelter and feed. Imagine, not for an ounce of gold or thirty pieces of silver that you gambled your limbs and life, but for mere satisfaction of oversized ego or brief madness or meaningless pride.

Pride from what, from “twisting” the motorcycle successfully so to cast upon onlookers a spell?  Or, was it meant to taunt other vehicles on the left and right all running at top speed as well?

Like what thought of some self-proclaimed intelligent people of this world.  Yes, they may be so eloquent, for they have the ability to twist any word.  Well, if you take some philosopher’s preposterous explanation and analogy hook line and sinker, there’s a good chance you could twist your mind too and do a foolish reasoning like Hitler.

For example, not just one echoes and declares, and as we all know it, that all kings are rulers.  And like in all well-settled jurisprudences, all rulers have twelve inches. Now, with a straight face, would you agree with those geniuses, when they’d conclude therefore that all kings have twelve inches?

I’d say It’s ridiculous, it’s mind-twister, it’s anti-peace.  A true discrimination, ask the gentlemen, ask the ladies.

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