Tuesday, March 7, 2017


You better watch out, better not cry, better not pout I’m telling you why, women, like my spouse, are coming to town.  Yes, women, the race we men used to despise, take over the world now, relegating us men to a mere spectator or clown.

Look what’s happening even here in local shore, women rule, as a husband agrees, for they excel even in the PMA, home of weapon, tactics and war training facilities.  I am amazed to read today that eight out of its year’s top ten graduates are found to be ladies, including, most especially, the one tasked to deliver the valedictory address.

Truly, we can never underestimate the power of women today.  Their hands are no longer exclusive to rocking the cradle only.  I just hope they’ve learned to be consistent finally.  As consistent as their toughness and mentality.

For it was a woman who first gave me confusion in life, a catch-22 if you will, as I recall an experience then.  She who told a friend I was not a gentleman after I didn’t try to hold her hand when we crossed a pedestrian lane.

But she was the same woman who, when I clasped and locked fingers with as we crossed a busy street the week following, that same friend told me as well she found me not a gentleman indeed because I was an opportunist that loved “chancing.”

In summary though, women cannot be underestimated much less be rejected anymore, as it’s proven now, they can be as tough, they can endure.  Like Christ, Who was rejected by the Jews then as their long-awaited Savior, would end up as the Cornerstone of an important Structure (Mark 12:10).

A Structure that even until forever will know no defeat.  For even “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18).

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