Tuesday, March 7, 2017


“You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination” (Lev. 18:22 NASB)

One of the hassles of the job of being a messenger of the court sent to defendant is that you cannot avoid sometimes to be misinterpreted as belonging to the side of the complainant. Right in my very first time ever to deliver a judicial message in Brgy. Taculing of Bacolod in Negros Island, I didn’t expect that I’d be chased by a respondent’s sword called Kampilan.

Whew, had the merciful Lord ran out of mercy at the time, the least I would have had been was becoming another chop-chop victim. But the God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob and of anyone who believes in Him, has other plans for me that are definitely somewhat different.

Almost the same thing happened as well a few years after in a remote village somewhere in the mountainous area of San Joaquin. After traversing the ricefields and wading through the brooks for over an hour I was in near exhaustion when my man had I seen.

After he heard yet still a little fraction about the matter, in his tiny bamboo-and-nipa hut, he did let me first enter, his teeth gritted when I took a wooden seat because I was then so weak and exhausted. He immediately closed the door, his long bolo a.k.a. ‘Ginunting’ he unsheathed, and told me like in paraphrased Hotel California’s lyrics, you can pass out anytime you like but you can never leave.

Instantly, I never had a doubt that moment could be the end of my days, so I scrambled for my final say, being trapped completely. And as I started to feel tremor in my body, I told him back, “Before you kill me, please give me first something to eat for I’m so hungry.”

His attack mode automatically shifted to conventional compassion of a farmer to a complete stranger as his cooked rice and well-kept can of Ligo sardines to me he did offer. And while I was munching slowly but surely, I explained to him everything including the fact that I was a person of no interest in his case being a mere court messenger.

I remember these experiences of mine especially at the height of flurry of punches from gays and lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders that Pacquiao had received after he was asked of his opinion about them. How unfair are these GLBT’s, they are always the ones demanding freedom for everyone, and of everything, but upon hearing Pacquaio expressing his freedom of expression, why would the world crucify him?

When Vice Ganda would spiel, for fun and money, his free vulgar expression on national TV, I don’t know of an average certified male or female who raises a mad howl as they just let it be.

And besides, the so-called People’s Champ Manny did not say it purely on his own as, above it all, he referred to the Bible. He only conveyed the message of The Most Powerful, of what he read and believed as a mere messenger, plain and simple. Like Pacquiao, Ben Carson compared same-sex relationship too to bestiality when he was still a US presidential aspirant. And it caused his withdrawal from the race within the Republicans but he gained respect because he remains on his stand.

Like the way we do them, our gay friends should understand that even we Christians, by the Word of God are deeply hurt, that is when we continue in sin. for the Truth is many times painful than a piercing dart.  As what Paul wrote, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV).

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