Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Monday night I watched in awe a woman Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” and I couldn’t help but praise her talent for creating that movie. The script, direction and execution are truly captivating, enough to make me wonder why I could not write like that despite the plot’s simplicity.

However, the film is said to be the true account of the CIA and what did happen during the last decade up to the death of Osama Bin Laden.  If the script is truly faithful to what had really transpired and not altered for cinematic purposes, then the story is as old as the Garden of Eden.

If so, then it’s another proof that behind the fall of every small and great male in human history is a female, a misogynist perceives as weak specie when compared to a ‘stronger’ kind that is known as Alpha Male. Remember Adam, full of spirit and wisdom, but because of persuasion of a woman, he created a mess to himself now known in biblical history as the fall of man.

Samson was the strongest human being ever lived, yet he was no match to Delilah’s hypnotic charm and wit. The greatest sin of Israel’s King David, known as a man after God’s own heart according to the Bible (Acts 13:22), was caused by his fatal attraction to his top warrior Uriah’s wife named Batsheeba who was so extremely beautiful.

Women are a tough nut to crack and they’re too hot to handle, that I fully agree. Is it because if men are from Mars then are women from Venus really? What an irony, who would ever think that even the genius and enigma that was Bin Laden would be cracked and comprehended by a “mere” woman an average Muslim considered as second class citizen?

The story focuses on courage under fire by ‘The Girl’ and her relentless analyses. The plot revolves around her firm determination and feminine but fierce grit. Backed by simple intelligence and ordinary arguments through facts, human experience and reasonable conclusion, she was proven right as I also credit in no small amount the thing known as their species’ strongest and most powerful natural possession: women’s intuition.

Now tell me, can you blame me for falling then for wonderful women, for watering my couch with tears after they rejected the love I’d offer again and again?

I may have come in way too late for the international day of women for this year, but let it be known, Oh woman, that in my heart, I do always remember.  I would honor you so much better than the late Liverpool kid’s notes could muster: “So let me tell you again and again and again, I love you, yeah, yeah, now and forever…”

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