Sunday, March 19, 2017


Once more, last Thursday, at four in the afternoon of March 13, on short notice, I was officially tasked to run errands again. Once more, no more time to pack up even just a toothbrush and a pair of briefs. After two minutes of briefing about someone to track down, I was told to catch the Cebu-bound vessel leaving at six.

Without much ado, I chose sea navigation over air travel due to a very personal reason and circumstance. Okay, a reason I meant was the big difference in fare allowance plus the Malaysian Airline’s continuing disappearance.

And just when I readied myself for the worse and nonchalantly expected traditional hazards I used to have in shipping experience back then, I was surprised by the accommodation changes and development of the shipping company and attitude of its sea men, and women—yes, women.

I just knew there are women crew and with irresistible charm and hypnotizing smile of a fin-less and tail-less mermaid ready to help and oh, so gentle. Yes, they are much gentler than their so-called gentlemen counterpart in there, enough to tempt you into believing that there really is Dyesebel.

During the time when airplane service was still unreachable by hoi polloi due to Lucio Tan and sea vessel navigation was the only other option by anyone, except for female fellow passengers mostly drifting in dreamland, all we’d be seeing the entire trip were only a profile of Popeye the sailor man.

I said I was surprised by the development in sea travel service because I last took a boat ride I think between 2005 and 2006. From the Iloilo terminal there is now a public utility jeepney service to ride upon to transport passengers for a two-hundred-meter-plus-plus distance to a ship.

This is a complete turnaround from the days of old when the now-defunct NN shipping was milking us ignorant travelers like a hen that lays a pot of gold. Those were the days when every crew would not address us as “Ma’am” or “Sir,” we being a customer, but “Hoy” or “Pssst” as if you’re a laughable cuckold.

They would force you then to walk that mentioned distance as you carried a traveling bag weighing 30 kilograms, pressing its full weight on one of your shoulders while lifting another 20 kilo-pack of various commodities with another hand.

I could still vividly recapture in mind those scenes in full and in part where majority of travelers’ backs were arched, knees wobbling in the gangplank with heavy load and heavier heart as if joining that infamous Bata-an Death March.

Negros Navigation’s failure for so many years to improve their service, or to recognize their clients’ need, or to think first of the welfare of the riding public, was one of so many reasons and factors why did their income deteriorate, or regular patrons avoided them like a plague, until the company caught its last breath.

The management forgot the time-tested principle in business and marketing that both in service and goods-selling, always remember that “The Customer is King.” If for you this principle is so hard to accept despite catering the general public with your product which is service, then you have no business doing business with the people for they would only deem your company as making monkey business.

It’s the same thing with the true King, the Lord Almighty, Ruler of the universe, reigning from above. We’re not letting Him rule over our soul, mind and heart, we have no business nor right calling Him our God.
It is so because to start business with or acquire that right from the Lord, first thing first, we have to establish a personal relationship with Him. How? “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to be called the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (John 1:12)].

Pastor Balm Escobar’s parting message back in Keswick ’93 I could still recall: “If He would not be your Lord of all, [then, definitely,] He is not your Lord at all.”

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