Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Tired and weary upon every reaching up the bus every night, I’d look first and foremost at the back row, particularly both spots next to the window. The reason for this is I’m a little bit claustrophobic, you know, so the elevated back portion eases the tension inside in view of its panoramic view.

The other Monday though, when I climbed up my bus, other passengers already took the entire back row of which. Therefore, I was compelled to begrudgingly slump myself in the next row of the same level with all the other seats.

I am not comfortable when sitting in the middle part of the bus because I could hardly see around or it’s sort of a detention cell to me. For in there, everything, from all kinds of vandals and ripped seat covers to all types of hair, bald heads including, are all I could see.

Over an hour later, I bellowed the usual “Lugar Lang” in standard tone and volume which the bus driver and conductor duly heard when we were approaching my stop. But to my surprise and sudden irritation, the bus just went on, and rather accelerated some more that upon seeing our house passing by so fast I inexplicably blew my top.

Without further ado, I curbed my palm and forcefully struck the bus’s fiberglass window cover that sounded like a single M-16 Armalite bullet explosion.  That cracking noise had the bus screeched to a halt, and as I walked the aisle I saw all eyes, including those from the front, darting into my direction. As I disembarked, the annoyed bus conductor did aver, “We were overtaking a tricycle! That’s the reason, sir!”

I wobbled as I got off, became dazed and confused, and walked faster as soon as I regained my balance. I was deathly scared someone knew me inside the bus then and would say, “I thought you are a Christian.”

Sometimes, we forget who we are when we’re tired and exhausted, or with cares of this world our minds are full.  We’re not aware we’re getting reckless that we couldn’t watch our attitude and conduct in the presence of other people.

How can anyone believe that Christ lives in us when they see we are no different from all others in showing our annoyance?  When no one can see a ‘fruit of the Spirit’ in us, i.e., love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith and temperance? (Gal. 5:22-23).

We forget Jesus showed His difference from all other founders of sects and hypocrite religious fools: while some of them loved unrest, Christ is meek and gentle, and giving rest unto our weary souls (Matt. 11:29).

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