Saturday, March 25, 2017


“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor. 13:7).

I happened to watch “Pretty Woman” Monday night as it had just started when I scanned the remote and I couldn’t believe I missed this film that did catapult the young and pretty Julia Roberts to superstar status. Pretty Woman’s story’s pure fiction but we are all sure it’s not farther from the truth, for we all know a man would do everything to gain love even if he agnizes that in pursuing it he would have everything to lose.

And I tried to recall the golden files of similar stories in the past—some of which I have personal knowledge and insight—that actually happened in real life. Well, the list is too long, no, endless, enough to make me believe again and hie that nothing could stop the human heart where love did suddenly strike.

And I mean all kinds of love, dear friends, name it, the world has it, from amorous sort and friends-to-friends or brotherly love, copied or prototype, to letting-go-setting-free style or of fairy-tale-inspired love of princes and kings only later they realized for a harlot, a prostitute, a hooker and the like.

But there can be no greater love than a parent to his child when it comes to loving like a fool; for such kind of love still goes on though only heartaches he’d receive from his child after giving him everything and all.

This is the only kind of love that never fails as the parent makes sure it’s renewed daily like a battery that’s rechargeable, though in every beat the heart turns bloody red like those failed grades in some subjects in school.

Well, it is because real love is acceptance, of reality, of what’s going on. True love is patient, genuine love is kind, right love sets no condition (1Cor. 13:4).

Like the love of God, with its grace that’s far greater than sins and shame, always brings His peace that passeth all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  For how else can we explain that despite our total ignorance of His unconditional love then, each new day reveals it is Him:

Showing mercy, and waiting. Giving chances, and loving.

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