Tuesday, March 21, 2017


If I heard it correctly that yesterday, March 20, was the International Day of Happiness, it feels so sad as indeed it’s infuriating to know in details that majority of solons are involved in the misuse of a public fund.  This just manifests further, matter-of-factly bolsters, and reconfirms anew the old belief in this land that not in the streets, neither in the bank, but right in the government one can find theft and robbery so grand.

If by incontrovertible evidence those charged congressmen are found guilty by the courts of law and locked them all up as long as they live, we the governed are tempted to think why not we just rename the dishonorable kingdom of congress to be the House of Represent-the-thieves?

Or better yet, during the next schedule of both houses to convene where attendance of all their members should be strictly compulsory, why wouldn’t we padlock immediately all the exits of their building and rename those as Sector A and B of the Newest National Penitentiary?

If there’s one spiritual struggle I dread most, it’s when I meet an infamous congressman or notorious politician anywhere in the country. It’s because I always feel guilty each time I see him since I would commit one of the most embarrassing sins most likely:

A sin of feeling self-righteous as I find it hard to refrain myself from condemning him though silently, as if thanking the heavens for not making me a person like him while within myself I condescendingly pray.

If we are going to review past political events or history, tracing up diligently the root cause of this mess, i.e. discovery of the great conspiracy, we’d also remember the similar cause of Erap’s downfall and what compelled Chavit to spit out damning testimony:  too much greed for money.

If Atong Ang had never been so greedy of the jueteng dough and he just let the Lord of Ilocos Sur reign in his own turf and some neighboring territory, they might still be feasting together with jueteng collections until today, and all the other lords of the land, from a gambling lord to a warlord to a drug lord, would remain harping in happiness and basking in glory.

If we could still recall the days of Al Capone, this is the fundamental problem with syndicated crime or chain of conspiracy: you cut up or break one link, every other link falls apart in domino effect and unmasks everybody.  

Believe you me, by this turn of events, there is also a great history in the making.  If those around two hundred members of congress with some senators are all found guilty with supreme finality no less, in all medical institutions there surely will be phenomenal room shortage because every convicted accused would move for a hospital arrest.

If my gut feel proves true, every Filipino is now so excited and some are even losing sleep for he could wait no more to behold the coming of that great hour.  He could not imagine he’d see the day his penury’s real authors who made his life sour would be finally stripped of everything except their equally deadly ‘Kili-kili” pow’r.

If you’re smart however, you’d realize these so-called Gentlemen of Congress are really so clever for they had already built a firewall for this as they knew ahead the coming of this defining moment of fact.  Why? If all of these accused are convicted, the angry Filipinos, especially the poor and neglected, could not lynch them, nor even merely slap, for Congress had already passed a law called Animal Welfare Act.

If you think the day of happiness still unfairly belongs to them, let that thought be gone.  Today, March 21, mark it, everyone, I’m now happier than any congressman.

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