Wednesday, March 29, 2017


When Miami Heat top honchos led by the dapper Pat Riley, author of the Lakers’ Showtime during its championship runs starting in 1980, had magically convinced Lebron ‘King’ James and Chris Bosh to take their talents to South Beach with Dwayne Wade in lesser pay, not a few labeled James’ abandonment of his hometown Cleveland as a desperate move to nail a ring that eluded him for eight years in the NBA.

However, just only last year, such Lebron’s move and great decision well paid off.  For when he was crowned as champ finally, even his critics’ hats for him were doffed.

There were also NBA ringless superstars before James like Charles Barkley and Karl ‘The Mailman’ Malone who left their respective previous organization.  Some     played alongside each other in the twilight of their career in desperate pursuit of the ring but they failed together and their partnership faded out too soon.

Sultan Kiram of Sulu cried out ceasefire in desperate move when Malaysia seemed to have the upperhand when it unleashed its war dogs. To gain sympathy vote, not a few patriots suspected the recent ambush of senatorial aspirant Jack Enrile’s convoy was also “staged,” just like the elder allegedly did, as a desperate move on Jack’s part too. This after surveys after surveys showed he’s fast slipping out from the Magic Twelve thus endangering the father’s dream to make him Senator Juan Ponce Enrile Part Two.

Perhaps all of us had made a desperate move at least once or twice in one way or another in our lifetime. When I found it hard in high school to secure a clearance from any of my teacher, as desperate move, I learned to forge initials and signatures of them all regardless of their form, shape and character.

When I was dumped three times by so-called “love” after thinking they were just within my breathing range, in desperate move I made it appear I wasn’t affected at all and tried to make them believe I was just after them as friends. I forgot the fact that when a he wants to see a she more, a he wants more than just friendship because that’s what friends are for.

Now, I wonder if you also wonder why the Prince of the World, as coined by John (Jn 16:11), who’s like a roaring lion walking to and fro, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8), uses ‘treats’ and tricks like a pro.  That’s why don’t you ever believe that the appearances of evil are those that only have long horns, white-fanged, fiery-eyed, or stingray-tailed as depicted in the bottle of “Markang Demonyo.”

Most of the time they’re soft, gentle and meek as an angel.  Until you realized you’re already marching with them to hell.

The Scriptures revealed further the fair-looking Lucifer, also called Son of the Morning (Isa. 14:12 KJV), was considered a very fair angel.  But all goodness was taken from him after ambition and envy consumed his whole being, therefore, from grace he fell.

He knew his end is near and certain and he can never obtain any more power for he’s beyond forgiveness, hence all he wanted are a company of those who’re willing to go with him in the eternally burning pit. He’s luring us to temptation that when we yield to it to go to darkness we’d all behoove.  In the end times he needs company when the axe would fall on his head and let it roll in the groove.

The more the merrier, even in cries and pain severe, that’s maybe what he’s thinking of. That’s why he’s weaving double his dirty tricks now, thus be sober, be vigilant, it’s a desperate move.

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