Saturday, April 1, 2017


“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14).

Sometimes, even if we say the long years and our elongated faces would claim we are ripe of age already, because we humans are prone to error, there are moments when we’d show some of our immaturity.

Especially if we are provoked and challenged. And we doubtless believed we’re truly innocent. No wonder, even if for a very long time we have consistently hidden and kept our true age, when we snapped after our bloated ego did burst, we don’t care about appropriate image.

There was a clever male passenger who was approached by a strict and meticulous bus conductor issuing a ticket. The man claimed he was a senior citizen but when the unconvinced conductor asked about his age, he replied, “Forty-eight.”

The conductor replied, “But, Sir, to be a senior citizen, you must be at least sixty years old yourself.” The man retorted, but how much is the twenty percent of sixty?” and the conductor answered, “Twelve!”

The man, now over-confident, stood up and lectured the hapless conductor quickly, “See? Sixty minus Twelve, that makes forty-eight a discounted senior citizen already!”

The still confused conductor just kept quiet. He issued the man a privileged fare ticket.

There was a wife who, when asked of her age, simply said she was approaching forty, but her husband could not help wondering from what direction did she mean really.

There are some people whom even their respective spouses would often get them wrong. Yeah, they are the kind the Tagalog region would simply call “tumatanda nang paurong.”

Just like “The Curious Case of Benjamin Pratt,” a Brad Pitt-starred movie with a unique story, subject-wise. Where the main protagonist was aging backward, growing younger and younger instead as time goes by.

In real life though, among the principles of redemption of God, to be born again to be a child anew is a must. And Nicodemus, the [chief ruler of the Jews] marveled and asked, should a man re-enter his mother’s womb for this task? Of course not, but to be reborn and renewed in the spirit. That we will grow in our new life with God in a child’s mind set.

As what was averred by Jesus Himself, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (Jn. 3:3). For the Kingdom belongs to the children (Matt. 19:14), the only ones above the law because of their innocence and purity of heart.

Making all children, without doubt, totally guiltless inside and out.

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