Wednesday, March 29, 2017


[Twisted post on March 27, 2012 at 1:06pm]

Wow, I didn’t realize how I missed my bike. I’m using it again, blame it to fare hike.

Yes, Virginia, after a long, long, while, my old reliable is back in style. Just like then more often, it lorded over competition from Dulunan to The Atrium. It takes me high really when those high-end bikes bite my dust as well as swallow my emitted carbon.

Twice yesterday a tinkered XRMer hurled verbal insults at my vintage TMS each time he successfully overtook me while we were in the thick of our tit-for-tat traffic sewing. But during the final stage, when I came down roaring at top speed as I counter-flowed with barely an inch to spare between him on my right and the on-rushing vehicles from the opposite direction on my left, I let my bike do the talking.

Yeah, I was, still am, and will be sure, he’d be obviously deathly scared to follow. He must’ve thought only egomaniacs do those kinda stuff, aside from a psycho.

And only a few seconds after that, you realized you’d done again something stupid. Forgetting for the meantime that you have at least four poor mouths to shelter and feed. Imagine, not for an ounce of gold or thirty pieces of silver that you gambled your limbs and life, but for mere satisfaction of oversized ego or brief madness or meaningless pride.

Pride from what, from “twisting” the motorcycle successfully so to cast upon onlookers a spell?  Or, was it meant to taunt other vehicles on the left and right all running at top speed as well?

Like what thought of some self-proclaimed intelligent people of this world.  Yes, they may be so eloquent, for they have the ability to twist any word.  Well, if you take some philosopher’s preposterous explanation and analogy hook line and sinker, there’s a good chance you could twist your mind too and do a foolish reasoning like Hitler.

For example, not just one echoes and declares, and as we all know it, that all kings are rulers.  And like in all well-settled jurisprudences, all rulers have twelve inches. Now, with a straight face, would you agree with those geniuses, when they’d conclude therefore that all kings have twelve inches?

I’d say It’s ridiculous, it’s mind-twister, it’s anti-peace.  A true discrimination, ask the gentlemen, ask the ladies.


Monday night I watched in awe a woman Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” and I couldn’t help but praise her talent for creating that movie. The script, direction and execution are truly captivating, enough to make me wonder why I could not write like that despite the plot’s simplicity.

However, the film is said to be the true account of the CIA and what did happen during the last decade up to the death of Osama Bin Laden.  If the script is truly faithful to what had really transpired and not altered for cinematic purposes, then the story is as old as the Garden of Eden.

If so, then it’s another proof that behind the fall of every small and great male in human history is a female, a misogynist perceives as weak specie when compared to a ‘stronger’ kind that is known as Alpha Male. Remember Adam, full of spirit and wisdom, but because of persuasion of a woman, he created a mess to himself now known in biblical history as the fall of man.

Samson was the strongest human being ever lived, yet he was no match to Delilah’s hypnotic charm and wit. The greatest sin of Israel’s King David, known as a man after God’s own heart according to the Bible (Acts 13:22), was caused by his fatal attraction to his top warrior Uriah’s wife named Batsheeba who was so extremely beautiful.

Women are a tough nut to crack and they’re too hot to handle, that I fully agree. Is it because if men are from Mars then are women from Venus really? What an irony, who would ever think that even the genius and enigma that was Bin Laden would be cracked and comprehended by a “mere” woman an average Muslim considered as second class citizen?

The story focuses on courage under fire by ‘The Girl’ and her relentless analyses. The plot revolves around her firm determination and feminine but fierce grit. Backed by simple intelligence and ordinary arguments through facts, human experience and reasonable conclusion, she was proven right as I also credit in no small amount the thing known as their species’ strongest and most powerful natural possession: women’s intuition.

Now tell me, can you blame me for falling then for wonderful women, for watering my couch with tears after they rejected the love I’d offer again and again?

I may have come in way too late for the international day of women for this year, but let it be known, Oh woman, that in my heart, I do always remember.  I would honor you so much better than the late Liverpool kid’s notes could muster: “So let me tell you again and again and again, I love you, yeah, yeah, now and forever…”


When Miami Heat top honchos led by the dapper Pat Riley, author of the Lakers’ Showtime during its championship runs starting in 1980, had magically convinced Lebron ‘King’ James and Chris Bosh to take their talents to South Beach with Dwayne Wade in lesser pay, not a few labeled James’ abandonment of his hometown Cleveland as a desperate move to nail a ring that eluded him for eight years in the NBA.

However, just only last year, such Lebron’s move and great decision well paid off.  For when he was crowned as champ finally, even his critics’ hats for him were doffed.

There were also NBA ringless superstars before James like Charles Barkley and Karl ‘The Mailman’ Malone who left their respective previous organization.  Some     played alongside each other in the twilight of their career in desperate pursuit of the ring but they failed together and their partnership faded out too soon.

Sultan Kiram of Sulu cried out ceasefire in desperate move when Malaysia seemed to have the upperhand when it unleashed its war dogs. To gain sympathy vote, not a few patriots suspected the recent ambush of senatorial aspirant Jack Enrile’s convoy was also “staged,” just like the elder allegedly did, as a desperate move on Jack’s part too. This after surveys after surveys showed he’s fast slipping out from the Magic Twelve thus endangering the father’s dream to make him Senator Juan Ponce Enrile Part Two.

Perhaps all of us had made a desperate move at least once or twice in one way or another in our lifetime. When I found it hard in high school to secure a clearance from any of my teacher, as desperate move, I learned to forge initials and signatures of them all regardless of their form, shape and character.

When I was dumped three times by so-called “love” after thinking they were just within my breathing range, in desperate move I made it appear I wasn’t affected at all and tried to make them believe I was just after them as friends. I forgot the fact that when a he wants to see a she more, a he wants more than just friendship because that’s what friends are for.

Now, I wonder if you also wonder why the Prince of the World, as coined by John (Jn 16:11), who’s like a roaring lion walking to and fro, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8), uses ‘treats’ and tricks like a pro.  That’s why don’t you ever believe that the appearances of evil are those that only have long horns, white-fanged, fiery-eyed, or stingray-tailed as depicted in the bottle of “Markang Demonyo.”

Most of the time they’re soft, gentle and meek as an angel.  Until you realized you’re already marching with them to hell.

The Scriptures revealed further the fair-looking Lucifer, also called Son of the Morning (Isa. 14:12 KJV), was considered a very fair angel.  But all goodness was taken from him after ambition and envy consumed his whole being, therefore, from grace he fell.

He knew his end is near and certain and he can never obtain any more power for he’s beyond forgiveness, hence all he wanted are a company of those who’re willing to go with him in the eternally burning pit. He’s luring us to temptation that when we yield to it to go to darkness we’d all behoove.  In the end times he needs company when the axe would fall on his head and let it roll in the groove.

The more the merrier, even in cries and pain severe, that’s maybe what he’s thinking of. That’s why he’s weaving double his dirty tricks now, thus be sober, be vigilant, it’s a desperate move.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Speaking about friends and love, and being steadfast, I first fell in love with Jennifer—Jennifer Aniston, who else—the first time I saw her in “Friends.” Since then, like the way I—and Bosnil, who else—chased Calista Flockhart and her character as “Ally McBeal,” I also tried watching Jen no end. Until Brad Pitt got in the way. And took my Jennifer away.

But right at the first sign at the time of the budding romance between them as it was getting clearer than the sky, I immediately prepared myself for the inevitable, I would bid Jennifer goodbye: “hiwalay kung hiwalay.”

I must end our “Friends”-ship.  I must find other shows with which I’d stick. From then, I gradually shied away too from the movies of Jen. That was the start of my total separation from a rom-com film. I must be firm; I’d to obey my hurt. She made my body and soul inert.

Yesterday, due to the provincial government’s sudden termination of supply of newspapers for our free subscription, I did not mind skipping the day’s issue until I saw a screaming headline about General Purisima, from P-Noy’s quotation.

Unlike before when he would always defend his friend, this time the President did a complete turnaround. And he admitted finally that the controversial cop disobeyed his order as he averred, “Purisima let me down.”

It really hurts when a very close friend whom you deeply trusted so much would end up betraying deliberately your confidence and trust.  But it’s better for P-Noy that Allan be dropped as he’d already gave him so many troubles helping his popularity to plunge too fast.  In fact, other people wondered why the good general did not go the Angelo-Reyes way.  Considering that as revealed by every enquiry, he is to blame and the cause of 44 SAF’s misery.

I could imagine P-Noy’s emotional struggle before he decided to tell the media, this time not a lie, of that pronouncement about his ex-General, his long-time ally. Perhaps, to decide about it, he let not only a few hard days to pass by as it’s tough finding courage to look at your erring friend and say, “hiwalay kung hiwalay.” And I congratulate P-Noy for what he did finally choose. He stood firm at last, listened to and obeyed his “boss.”

When I got married I too solemnly promised to myself to obey a good friend who happens to be my wife.  Yes, I have to obey her at all times, but there are moments in life when some of those promises have to let fly.  Yeah, we couldn’t avoid not to have any argument even on petty issues and thus, I have to decide, the man of the house has to be firm and draw the line whereon the line must be, “hiwalay kung hiwalay.”

Like a well-loved king known as a husband of valor, I would surely not let anything taint my honor.  Each time I would do the laundry now, whether she likes it or not, I’ve to do “hiwalay” of “puti” from “de kolor.”  I have to hold my ground and firmly stand on what I believe.  It’s what I’d always want, which was originally my wife wanted.

“Hiwalay kung hiwalay!” Just be firm till we die.

Just like the courage and firmness of Abraham when God told him to sacrifice his only son Isaac for Him if he really had faith and love (Gen. 22:1-18). Imagine a father’s struggle deep within him yet he obeyed and never asked, and he later known as the Friend of God (James 2:23).

Truly, “obedience is the very best way to show that you believe,” “Patay kung patay.” And finding courage too to tell this world of pleasure and sin, “Hiwalay kung hiwalay.”


If we try to scrutinize the whys and wherefores of people who became successful in different fields of dreams on this planet, top reason was because they started young, sacrificed a lot and disciplined themselves, just to reach such dream’s zenith.

I could still remember our class motto which was suggested by us ‘The Young Guns,’ during our first year in the secondary: “Bend the tree while young.”  Too bad I took it literally just after two years thus I ended up bending and burning dried five-finger weeds to bring its smoke to my also young lungs.

But good thing due to lack of funds I abandoned the plan to pursue the plant, and settled instead with Bhoy’s and Pongkie’s company like an aspiring guitarman.  

That resulted to my being constantly surrounded by the sounds of giant Musicbugs like The Beatles and the Bee Gees.  And munching Bread and Hotdog in Styx as I watched in Chicago how the Queen and Boyfriends would make up and Kiss.

“Start ‘em young, raise ‘em right” is the principle embraced around the world, as shown by Herr Hitler, as it guaranteed success.  Look at the Chinese, they excel in world sports because they commenced training right from childhood, a long-time process.

Wonder why the so-called “freedom fighters” of war-freak countries seem to be ruthless and fearless?  It’s because even their minds were trained and shared by their leaders and handlers to start with hatred.

If we only know how to start passionately everything with love, surely not one amongst us would learn to cheat, murder and rob. Start ‘em young, “for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” as the Bible would say (Galatians 6:7).  Look at little boy Gervacio who loved booze early, he’d be later known without doubt as “Basyong Bote.”

As a struggling parent, I may not be able to provide a vehicle for them but I know I have to ensure the Way will be known by my kids. May God bless me as I train up my children in the Way they should go, that even when they are old they will not depart from It (Proverbs 22:6).

Eternal security for them ismy ultimate achievement.  May the gracious God have mercy on my only dream…


“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor. 13:7).

I happened to watch “Pretty Woman” Monday night as it had just started when I scanned the remote and I couldn’t believe I missed this film that did catapult the young and pretty Julia Roberts to superstar status. Pretty Woman’s story’s pure fiction but we are all sure it’s not farther from the truth, for we all know a man would do everything to gain love even if he agnizes that in pursuing it he would have everything to lose.

And I tried to recall the golden files of similar stories in the past—some of which I have personal knowledge and insight—that actually happened in real life. Well, the list is too long, no, endless, enough to make me believe again and hie that nothing could stop the human heart where love did suddenly strike.

And I mean all kinds of love, dear friends, name it, the world has it, from amorous sort and friends-to-friends or brotherly love, copied or prototype, to letting-go-setting-free style or of fairy-tale-inspired love of princes and kings only later they realized for a harlot, a prostitute, a hooker and the like.

But there can be no greater love than a parent to his child when it comes to loving like a fool; for such kind of love still goes on though only heartaches he’d receive from his child after giving him everything and all.

This is the only kind of love that never fails as the parent makes sure it’s renewed daily like a battery that’s rechargeable, though in every beat the heart turns bloody red like those failed grades in some subjects in school.

Well, it is because real love is acceptance, of reality, of what’s going on. True love is patient, genuine love is kind, right love sets no condition (1Cor. 13:4).

Like the love of God, with its grace that’s far greater than sins and shame, always brings His peace that passeth all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  For how else can we explain that despite our total ignorance of His unconditional love then, each new day reveals it is Him:

Showing mercy, and waiting. Giving chances, and loving.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


[Refurbished Edition: posted on March 22, 2013 at 10:17am]

Human ambition is truly amazing.  Like young love, it’s also blinding. And once ambition consumed your whole being and convinced yourself you’re not bound to fail, you’d surely move heaven and earth for it to fulfill, even to the extent of making pact with the devil.

It is said that it’s dangerous to be sincere unless you’re also stupid that’s why beware of burning ambition. All travails and unbearable pain inflicted by manand womanto human population started with sincere and good intention.

Ambition could easily destroy in an instant some principles half your life you did build up.  Look at our Veep who was omnipresent then in any anti-Marcos rally or march, but now locking arms, and lips, with Senator Enrile and Erap.

To paraphrase a cliché, tell me who his friends are, and I’ll tell you who’s Vice Jejomar.  Ambition and politics do mix when they bellow, and wheeling and dealing make strange bedfellows.

But while it may be true we can judge a book even when someone’s covering it totally or in part, yet we can’t be absolutely judgmental with any person because only God can read our mind and heart.

Like when I did underestimate my own children because of their indifference to their studies and addiction to internet games. I tried peace talks and martial law for discipline but my anger always is no match to their hugs when they’re persuading.

And this year, just when I thought they would settle for seventy-five again after final grades solution, I was shocked to receive an official invitation for their school’s day of awards and recognition.

Beaming with pride and misty-eyed as I walked up the stage, I felt guilty because I did not expect for them any recognition to receive. And as I kissed their medals so sweet, I knew for any riches on earth that award I will never trade. It’s because just when I thought they are rowdy and menace, they are instead awarded with a medal that I have never truly anticipated.

The award?  Well, of all things, it was Most Well-Behaved.  That means even in class recitation, they’re silent as the grave.

(Okay, it’s the joke for today)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


I considered last Tuesday morning a miraculous day for me because I could hardly believe I was already at the roadside waiting for a ride at five-thirty. With plenty of time at my side I knew I had all the luxury in the world to choose which mode of transportation would be my flavor of the day.

Suddenly, it just entered my mind to play alone a card game I ever first learned in childhood: Lucky Nine.  But without cards, of course, like we used to play when we were still street “tambay,” by using only the last digit number of every vehicle’s plate that would pass by.
The first vehicle to approach bearing plate number ending in five, as in Hawaii Five O, was a shining white Ford Montero. After several seconds, a jeepney had 385 thus my second “card” was five anew which made my score “buklu,” “bokyâ,” nil, nothing, zero.

Of course, with cards like that, you don’t say “good” to the “bang-ka” or “hitter,” as you desperately need to swiftly speak “hirit” or “hit” like an asthmatic to his nebulizer.

I always opt for a bus but I said to myself if the coming third and final “card” would make my score at least seven, I’d automatically ride on it whether it’d be a jeepney of Miagao or San Joaquin.
And when a red Miagao PUJ with plate number FVT 449 was coming down roaring, I jumped in celebration which surprised the driver, a veteran one a.k.a. “The Monitor Lizard,” named Mansing.

Mansing is the last of the veterans among currently active Miagao PUJ drivers.  If I’m not mistaken he is a contemporary of my very own father.  Mansing I presumed is already in his mid 60’s yet when it comes to flooring the gas, he is as hot-blooded as your any young PUJ speed-o-maniac.

The engine steadily and mightily roared like a lion to its maximum in duet with a coughing muffler, as Mansing coolly drove and smiled to his overtaken much younger competitor they labeled as “cover.”

I thanked him in silence because I forgot to pray that morning before leaving our quarter, so all I did inside his “jeep” was settling differences with myself while asking, “Is this the day I’m gonna meet my Maker?”

Some things in this world it seems are like vintage Mansing.  He’s like a vinegar, as it ages, the more it gives its “asim.”  

Or like the amazingly mesmerizing beauty of my first ever childhood crush on TV, the incomparable Ms. Linda Carter of Wonder Woman fame.  Last week I chanced upon her doing some TV guesting, despite the years that went by, her picture-perfect facial features still looked like the same.

She was perfectly like a well-stored, finely kept and superbly preserved wine.  An ethereal character with finesse learned only from old school and perfected by time.

Just like God’s overwhelming love and care that are always renewed daily like the offerings of old in sweet savor. As time goes by they’re still going sweeter, and in fact much, much sweeter than they ever were before.

That is why even in the midst of trouble we could still find peace. It is simply because morning by morning we see new mercies.

Truly, great is His faithfulness… (Lamentations 3:23)


If I heard it correctly that yesterday, March 20, was the International Day of Happiness, it feels so sad as indeed it’s infuriating to know in details that majority of solons are involved in the misuse of a public fund.  This just manifests further, matter-of-factly bolsters, and reconfirms anew the old belief in this land that not in the streets, neither in the bank, but right in the government one can find theft and robbery so grand.

If by incontrovertible evidence those charged congressmen are found guilty by the courts of law and locked them all up as long as they live, we the governed are tempted to think why not we just rename the dishonorable kingdom of congress to be the House of Represent-the-thieves?

Or better yet, during the next schedule of both houses to convene where attendance of all their members should be strictly compulsory, why wouldn’t we padlock immediately all the exits of their building and rename those as Sector A and B of the Newest National Penitentiary?

If there’s one spiritual struggle I dread most, it’s when I meet an infamous congressman or notorious politician anywhere in the country. It’s because I always feel guilty each time I see him since I would commit one of the most embarrassing sins most likely:

A sin of feeling self-righteous as I find it hard to refrain myself from condemning him though silently, as if thanking the heavens for not making me a person like him while within myself I condescendingly pray.

If we are going to review past political events or history, tracing up diligently the root cause of this mess, i.e. discovery of the great conspiracy, we’d also remember the similar cause of Erap’s downfall and what compelled Chavit to spit out damning testimony:  too much greed for money.

If Atong Ang had never been so greedy of the jueteng dough and he just let the Lord of Ilocos Sur reign in his own turf and some neighboring territory, they might still be feasting together with jueteng collections until today, and all the other lords of the land, from a gambling lord to a warlord to a drug lord, would remain harping in happiness and basking in glory.

If we could still recall the days of Al Capone, this is the fundamental problem with syndicated crime or chain of conspiracy: you cut up or break one link, every other link falls apart in domino effect and unmasks everybody.  

Believe you me, by this turn of events, there is also a great history in the making.  If those around two hundred members of congress with some senators are all found guilty with supreme finality no less, in all medical institutions there surely will be phenomenal room shortage because every convicted accused would move for a hospital arrest.

If my gut feel proves true, every Filipino is now so excited and some are even losing sleep for he could wait no more to behold the coming of that great hour.  He could not imagine he’d see the day his penury’s real authors who made his life sour would be finally stripped of everything except their equally deadly ‘Kili-kili” pow’r.

If you’re smart however, you’d realize these so-called Gentlemen of Congress are really so clever for they had already built a firewall for this as they knew ahead the coming of this defining moment of fact.  Why? If all of these accused are convicted, the angry Filipinos, especially the poor and neglected, could not lynch them, nor even merely slap, for Congress had already passed a law called Animal Welfare Act.

If you think the day of happiness still unfairly belongs to them, let that thought be gone.  Today, March 21, mark it, everyone, I’m now happier than any congressman.


“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (I Cor. 6:19).

A long-time acquaintance told us about what happened to her thirty-year-old nephew-in-law who, after complaining of a stomach pain, rushed himself to a doctor.  After necessary medical tests had been completed and revealed, to his horror, and the rest of his loved ones’, he was positively diagnosed to have lung cancer, stage four.

He went on to live for another month, everyone around him was shocked and depressed. Yes, it was only for a month, as his health quickly deteriorated and he did write finis.

What’s sad about this thing is, as far as he is concerned, the guy had no known vices like smoking. He was purportedly meticulously vigilant of his health, preached and walked perfect, clean living.

This is another ordinary and factual illustration that here in this world, there is nothing we can truly be proud of.  In the twinkling of an eye, when God decides to cut our life short, we couldn’t even say bye to everyone for good.

We definitely can’t declare, Oh, we just get rid ourselves of smoking and do exercise regularly, that we will die in old age or so-called natural death which is the painless one and healthy.

Yeah, not even the strictly followed daily regimen, healthiest lifestyle, best medical care and bottomless riches would guarantee a human being’s longevity.  There was a non-smoker rich man who would eat fish, fruits and veggies only, had monthly routine medical check-up, yet cigarette still caused his demise early:

When he was joyfully jogging along the sidewalk with many bodyguards chasing after him one day, he was fatally hit by a wayward truck owned by “Opportune Tobacco Corporation,” a cigarette company.

But seriously, it is a fact and non-laughing matter that smoking kills.  I fully agree though that it’s a thrill, but it's a thrill that kills.  I should know, I’ve been living with smokers around me for a long time, at home and in the street and for many times I lighted their cigarette stick. I first smoked when I was five or six using dried “santol” twig and at fourteen or in third year high, I had my first official cigarette.

I admit, during the time I thought being a smoker at school would be considered a status symbol.  I’d take it thrilling when others would call me “dungol-dungol,” roughly means hard-headed or fool.

During our C.A.T., or Citizen Army Training, the most rigorous subject, I always found it fascinating observing our movie-star-like commandant pretty boy Sir Francis Molanida inhaling cigarette smoke and freezing it inside him for at least two minutes.

Then, he’d continue on discussing lessons as smoke gradually got out his nose and fine teeth, would inhale it back and again smoke would freeze, repeat the ritual, and he’d let out his lips all that was left inside him like from a just opened furnace.

For many years I did emulate him each time I smoked as I’d always do the same trick, but I thank my God despite early struggles, I finally triumphed over nicotine, the super addictive.

But I thank Him the more for His love, mercies and grace, that He still let me obtain too His total forgiveness, despite the fact that for those same years I have had His "temple" desecrated.


Tired and weary upon every reaching up the bus every night, I’d look first and foremost at the back row, particularly both spots next to the window. The reason for this is I’m a little bit claustrophobic, you know, so the elevated back portion eases the tension inside in view of its panoramic view.

The other Monday though, when I climbed up my bus, other passengers already took the entire back row of which. Therefore, I was compelled to begrudgingly slump myself in the next row of the same level with all the other seats.

I am not comfortable when sitting in the middle part of the bus because I could hardly see around or it’s sort of a detention cell to me. For in there, everything, from all kinds of vandals and ripped seat covers to all types of hair, bald heads including, are all I could see.

Over an hour later, I bellowed the usual “Lugar Lang” in standard tone and volume which the bus driver and conductor duly heard when we were approaching my stop. But to my surprise and sudden irritation, the bus just went on, and rather accelerated some more that upon seeing our house passing by so fast I inexplicably blew my top.

Without further ado, I curbed my palm and forcefully struck the bus’s fiberglass window cover that sounded like a single M-16 Armalite bullet explosion.  That cracking noise had the bus screeched to a halt, and as I walked the aisle I saw all eyes, including those from the front, darting into my direction. As I disembarked, the annoyed bus conductor did aver, “We were overtaking a tricycle! That’s the reason, sir!”

I wobbled as I got off, became dazed and confused, and walked faster as soon as I regained my balance. I was deathly scared someone knew me inside the bus then and would say, “I thought you are a Christian.”

Sometimes, we forget who we are when we’re tired and exhausted, or with cares of this world our minds are full.  We’re not aware we’re getting reckless that we couldn’t watch our attitude and conduct in the presence of other people.

How can anyone believe that Christ lives in us when they see we are no different from all others in showing our annoyance?  When no one can see a ‘fruit of the Spirit’ in us, i.e., love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith and temperance? (Gal. 5:22-23).

We forget Jesus showed His difference from all other founders of sects and hypocrite religious fools: while some of them loved unrest, Christ is meek and gentle, and giving rest unto our weary souls (Matt. 11:29).

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Once more, last Thursday, at four in the afternoon of March 13, on short notice, I was officially tasked to run errands again. Once more, no more time to pack up even just a toothbrush and a pair of briefs. After two minutes of briefing about someone to track down, I was told to catch the Cebu-bound vessel leaving at six.

Without much ado, I chose sea navigation over air travel due to a very personal reason and circumstance. Okay, a reason I meant was the big difference in fare allowance plus the Malaysian Airline’s continuing disappearance.

And just when I readied myself for the worse and nonchalantly expected traditional hazards I used to have in shipping experience back then, I was surprised by the accommodation changes and development of the shipping company and attitude of its sea men, and women—yes, women.

I just knew there are women crew and with irresistible charm and hypnotizing smile of a fin-less and tail-less mermaid ready to help and oh, so gentle. Yes, they are much gentler than their so-called gentlemen counterpart in there, enough to tempt you into believing that there really is Dyesebel.

During the time when airplane service was still unreachable by hoi polloi due to Lucio Tan and sea vessel navigation was the only other option by anyone, except for female fellow passengers mostly drifting in dreamland, all we’d be seeing the entire trip were only a profile of Popeye the sailor man.

I said I was surprised by the development in sea travel service because I last took a boat ride I think between 2005 and 2006. From the Iloilo terminal there is now a public utility jeepney service to ride upon to transport passengers for a two-hundred-meter-plus-plus distance to a ship.

This is a complete turnaround from the days of old when the now-defunct NN shipping was milking us ignorant travelers like a hen that lays a pot of gold. Those were the days when every crew would not address us as “Ma’am” or “Sir,” we being a customer, but “Hoy” or “Pssst” as if you’re a laughable cuckold.

They would force you then to walk that mentioned distance as you carried a traveling bag weighing 30 kilograms, pressing its full weight on one of your shoulders while lifting another 20 kilo-pack of various commodities with another hand.

I could still vividly recapture in mind those scenes in full and in part where majority of travelers’ backs were arched, knees wobbling in the gangplank with heavy load and heavier heart as if joining that infamous Bata-an Death March.

Negros Navigation’s failure for so many years to improve their service, or to recognize their clients’ need, or to think first of the welfare of the riding public, was one of so many reasons and factors why did their income deteriorate, or regular patrons avoided them like a plague, until the company caught its last breath.

The management forgot the time-tested principle in business and marketing that both in service and goods-selling, always remember that “The Customer is King.” If for you this principle is so hard to accept despite catering the general public with your product which is service, then you have no business doing business with the people for they would only deem your company as making monkey business.

It’s the same thing with the true King, the Lord Almighty, Ruler of the universe, reigning from above. We’re not letting Him rule over our soul, mind and heart, we have no business nor right calling Him our God.
It is so because to start business with or acquire that right from the Lord, first thing first, we have to establish a personal relationship with Him. How? “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to be called the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (John 1:12)].

Pastor Balm Escobar’s parting message back in Keswick ’93 I could still recall: “If He would not be your Lord of all, [then, definitely,] He is not your Lord at all.”