Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Many summers ago, while courting the girl after my own heart, spirit and ambition, I developed a friendship  with her sister with whom I had so many things in common.  We clicked because she was likewise beautiful although she's of different aesthetic formation, and she could easily get my humor whether it was corny or a plain repetition.

She was my host and chatmate when the Apple of my Eye would be elsewhere for some reason.  I was equally happier when we talked first each time I’d visit their residence in the afternoon.  As time went by, I wondered why I did not care anymore whether or not that girl I fell for would be around.  I truly liked her company so much although her younger sister was the one that made my world go round.

Her fiancé, who became also my good friend, was working in Metro Manila, thus, it would take many months before they could see each other again.  One time, when I had a Manila assignment, she requested me to be her tour guide or personal bodyguard when she decided to visit him therein.

Her fiancé was not allowed to take any leave of absence, therefore, she was with me for several days from early morning until his off-duty in the evening.  She was compelled to be my escort in turn as I did official business around the city, so most of the time we were like the ones who were practically “dating.”

Being human, for a mad moment my thoughts would be wondering if she, rather than her kid sister, might be the woman for me, then sanity would be back again.  During our light moments, I’d turn serious and scoff at her fiancé half-jokingly, pressuring him to quit his job because I was already half in love with his girlfriend.

I was glad he did, and married her, in less than a year later.  Judging from their FB, I’d say they’ve lived happily ever after.

It truly swells the heart upon knowing someone’s giving you his trust, leaving everything to your conscience.  You take pride in it because while you simply gain the same, you also build in you self-respect and confidence.

I suppose this was the same pride God had when He boasted to His Enemy Number One about Job, one of the most patient men ever lived for despite worse trials his faith stood still.  “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?” (Job 1:8).

Among declarations of faith, no other statement aside from Job’s could be so moving:  “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him:  but I will maintain my own ways before Him” (Job 13:15).

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