Monday, November 28, 2016


[Memories on November 26, 2012]

In this period in life called Nice Age due to technology’s revolution’s blinding speed time now doesn’t fly, but like a lightning in the sky, it just zaps before your eye instead. As life is like a bursting bubble indeed, it feels like it’s only yesterday that you were a kid.

All things seem to be not as what they appear since they all just look like magic. When you face the mirror every morning you suspect someone’s playing on you a trick.

Every day’s reflection that changes a bit would not surely go unnoticed. How would you explain that receding hairline and a constantly sagging face?

As time goes by these things make life so strange, more so when some beautiful faces are not included in a change. Like a fool who believed then it was far better to have a pretty woman with an ugly character than a virtuous one yet not possessing even an eye sparkle of a Linda Carter.

What a twisted belief really! Well, every generation has its own stupidity.

That fool though learned not to go against a woman’s tide often, and swim with or on what flows. He’d just make the most of what comes around and the least of all that goes.

I used to believe too that, compared to a man’s, a woman’s mind is far cleaner, well, it’s all because almost the whole universe then felt it drastically changes oftener.

Not today, women are firm as they have the power now. They can make men dance before them and vow. That’s why I have stopped arguing with my friends from Gabriela. And when it chose Manny Villar over anyone in 2010, I stopped voting too for Bayan Muna.

We can definitely stop Charter Change but not the change itself. And you didn’t know you’re exposed though you tried to hide your own self. You’re surprised the world knew the day you were born, forgetting it was all because of the web from which there’s no hidden information.

Only a fact didn’t change that each year added to your age is definitely another step nearer to the grave. You’re just happy Psalm 37:25 (KJV) was right indeed: “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread.” 

Be thankful though for someone who’s stuck on you, be it you’re good or bad. As one tune goes, with love’s like that, you know you should be glad.

And you are clinging on to her too, birthday or no birthday. The thing is, you know she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah.

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