Friday, November 11, 2016


I remember the first time I said “I love you” to a girl within everybody else’s hearing range, she popped out her head, finding who said it over the fence and reacted like Pogo: “Dasala-sa-nonsense!”

Is saying “I love you” nonsense? Only if you do without any feelings.

Like what happened many years ago in now one of the world’s worst airport lounges’ unforgettable scenes. This I suspect what inspired Dan Henry to write a song about it that served as personal reminder to me ever since:

Yeah, that mere twenty minutes before take-off just didn’t make sense; a dream that took us like a lifetime to build, came apart in just a matter of minutes. Ahh, be careful of love promises of some women’s, friends: no matter how avowal was intense, believe you me, it might be nonsense.

Like the kind of nonsense anent what the Honorable Supreme Court had repeatedly stressed when its employee was officially charged with an administrative case: there’s no need for him anymore to be proven beyond reasonable doubt since even by a scant of evidence, he can still be dismissed, more so if he’s a sheriff.

Even if the most sought-after document by the respondent, i.e., a desisting affidavit, would be submitted by the complaining witness to the OCA which had already jurisdiction over the case, the OCA would still find that document of non-effect, rendering it useless.

In short, it’s nonsense. The Court will find his sins.

That’s why Vice President Jojo Binay must be thankful that when it comes to administrative sanction, he is out of reach and way beyond the country’s Highest Court’s jurisdiction. Otherwise, all the magistrates needed to convict him would be “the amount of relevant evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.”

Everything else is irrelevant and nonsense. Especially mere denial which is the weakest evidence.

Even in practical and doctrinal Christian living, there’s a lot of nonsense in it, like when you think you still have the right heart before God just because you are marching in the church with a gift. As what is explicit, if while going to the altar you remember a fellow with whom you have a pending conflict, just leave the gift, settle the matter with him first then go back with it to worship (Matthew 5:23-24).

We cannot ever conceal haughtiness and hatred, hypocrisy, pride and prejudice deep in our hearts with success for the Lord would readily sense them. Thus, even if the whole altar or the entire church itself, would be filled to the rafters with gifts like gold, myrrh, and frankincense, precious presents laboriously offered by the East’s Wisemen, there would still have nonsense in it as it seemed.

Why? It’s simple, for it is written, “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him” (Hebrews 11:6).

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