Monday, November 28, 2016


I could sense Manny Pacquiao’s fists of fury notwithstanding his calmness as he was interviewed on TV, relative to the tax evasion issue hurled against him by the B.I.R. just lately. Well, he may be a hero but Pacman should not take lightly those serious charges. In my honest and friendly piece, they are posing more danger than Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez.

Pacman’s current enemy is an overhauled institution—although the timing is bad regarding Manny’s prosecution—now headed by a bureaucrat so relentless. But I like the way B.I.R. at present conducts its business under a no-nonsense leadership by a woman herself, no bull but full of balls, Ms. Kim Henares.

Pacman has no one to blame for this latest caper but his accounting or legal representative/s. As a seasoned pugilist, now evangelist, Manny Pacquiao knows that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

If he believes in that Biblical principle in his life likewise when it comes to giving and taking punches, he should apply the same principle concerning his basic obligation as a true blue Filipino: correct payment of taxes.

It’s chiefly because Manny is already now a Bible-believing Christian, who stands his ground, defends his faith, and holds no grudge until he regains his country’s pride and honor’s badge. Therefore he knew it is Christ Himself Who preached about paying taxes, in a token and in a wad: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's and unto God the things which be God's.” (Luke 20:25).

Had all previous B.I.R. chiefs been as diligent and determined as Ms. Henares in subjecting high profile Filipinos even to a wild goose chase anent demanding taxes, we the poor and needy, the less and the ordinary, in this long abused republic would never be shortchanged anymore by the privileged wantonly bathing in riches.

Yeah, B.I.R. may be right but its timing is bad, however, although Manny fought tooth and nail literally to earn his money, and honor for this country, still he has this basic and elementary law to obey, i.e., first and foremost, pay taxes dutifully.

He may say he has already given to the national treasury millions of pesos of tax out of his own sweat and blood from those jabs and right hooks he fired, but as Bible enthusiast, he must have read it in Luke 12:48 that to whom much is given, much is required.

And how much is One Billion Pesos? Countless, in any which way I find, and even by just thinking about it could not fit anymore in my mind. For even a tiniest fraction of that amount in cash or in kind, I’m sure I can never ever have, even in seven lifetimes.

Those who are given such privilege to have it, they may retain their previous senses. With great power from great riches, come great social responsibilities. A person’s character can be defined only in times of abundance and want and when he’s the most and the least. For money can be one’s subservient servant or an enchanting lord and master both in times of war and peace.

When properly dispensed, money’s always a better motivational friend if not the best. Be careful though, it’s also an enemy so ruthless, and worse, it’s a knock-out artist.

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