Sunday, November 20, 2016


To reword one Shakespeare’s rendition:  To go or not to go, that is the question.

Last week, I accompanied a cousin-in-law in bringing a hand-me-down sedan from Metro Manila to Iloilo, and so, after soliciting suggestions from friends, we opted for the services of 2Go.  And, bold and fearless as I can be, this is what I’m gonna tell you:  if you have no one there to trust and personally know, find some other shipping companies, believe you me, better forget 2Go.

I despise the company and the way it handles a booking of private cars for their cargo, which is a mess, simple and pure.  It reminds me of the old demon of the kind of service of the now-defunct Negros Navigation Co.:  ‘System Failure.’

If you have a beautiful experience yourself with 2Go, I’m sorry, but I don’t care.  Insofar as my cousin, his son Boyboy and I are concerned, it is a nightmare.  Do not judge me please, I beg you.  Consider the antecedents that follow:

Before we left Caticlan on November 16, I queried 2Go’s office for the booking of that car for November 18.  A security officer gave us two sets of cellphone numbers to contact for such purpose, by someone named “Allen.” 

I contacted Allen and I presented my case but he just texted back to merely give another number by someone they called Mam Argen.  However, I presumed it was a prank number since my messages were ignored, thus Mam Argen might be an impostor if not an alien.

At eight in the morning of November 18 we reached Batangas under the bright morning sun.  The long trip made us tired and wearisome and I tried to book the car for 9PM trip for Caticlan.  There, we were told by a guard on duty that they would not be certain if we’d we accommodated because booking should be made 3 days before the trip, thus, we’d rely only on pure chance.

Well, only a stupid cannot understand such kind of tenor of a language especially in the commerce of men.  Therefore, we had to shell out something handsome that speaks where all creatures, including congressmen, listen.

Indeed, you could not help but pity yourself when you are a hostage by the situation.  You’re under the whims and caprices of one who takes advantage of your condition.  In this case, I believe the blame should be on 2Go itself because of its system.  Its current style of booking of car cargo breeds corruption of its own men.

From now on, I don’t know about you, but if I have to go, I will avoid 2Go.  I will make sure my family and sympathetic relatives my lead they’ll follow.

Unless, of course, mi pariente y amigo, its current booking system has to go.

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