Monday, January 2, 2017


Honestly, I wasn’t shocked, I saw it coming, yeah, that ex-President Gloria would go scot-free.  This after I learned she likewise supported the candidacy of current President Digong Duterte. 

And that makes another ex-President, the legendary Joseph “Erap” Ejercito Estrada, a genuine genius to me, to be frank.  Erap it is who coined and immortalized the phrase “Weather-weather lang,” to which everyone agrees, including a skunk.

And now, the weather fully favors Gloria, current House Deputy Speaker.  So, don’t be surprised if anytime now she and her family would regain their power.  Besides, her trusted top aides then are now Duterte’s reliable men thus they’re powerful again.  They all belong to the inner circle, what, with ex-AFP Chief Esperon and Jesus Dureza at the helm.

It’s the great circle of life, as said the sage Old Rafiki.  That is to say, the world as it was, the world as will be.

Look at Israel, from the very start she is the subject of envy and hatred of many nations.  No wonder until now Palestinians and Iran, among others, are working for her extinction.  It was prophesied that tomorrow, all countries in the planet, including ours, God forbid, will rise up against Israel and show and throw at her our hot displeasure and hatred (Zech. 12:3). 

However, it is written too that God Himself will fight for Israel.  Just like He did in the past for her in every unforgettable battle.  They wholeheartedly believed in Him, they would win.  They doubted, they lost, and ended up in bitter pain.

Same with us Christians, we win spiritual battle if we’d go on walking with Him and faint not (Isa. 40:31;Gal. 6:9).  Don’t we believe “the battle is the Lord’s”?  As Paul asked, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (1 Sam. 17:47;Rom. 8:31).

Even today, they who surely win are they who trust.  Like they’ll do tomorrow, like they did in the past.

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