Friday, January 6, 2017


It was just a few days before the year 2016 would cease to exist.  I was surprised to read here from my account some friend-request.  So, I scoured the requester’s pics/profile and gave his FB account some quick views.  At first, I could not figure the faces but it never took me long to recognize “Bruce.”

“Bruce” was a great ole buddy, a boy wonder, Mr. Nice Guy who never ran out of smile, and was a co-founder of our high school class’ close fraternity.  He was a ladies’ man, a matinee idol almost like me (just kidding, shempre!), a promising kid, “he’d be the most likely to succeed” was my own ‘prophecy.’

He hardly had some talk during the first few days in our freshman year, much less had some jokes to crack.  But during our first attendance in YDT class under Mr. Ernesto Dolar, I found out he was the type “simplé pero rock.”

I said ‘rock’ because when the cool Mr. Dolar obliged each class’ section’s representative to render a song, and dance withal, to my great surprise, and much amusement of three or four other sections, “Bruce” performed Hotdog’s “Annie Batungbakal.”

The performance rocked the whole male students immediately as well as Mr. Dolar’s expansive classroom’s entirety.  From then, each time I heard that classic “Manila Sound” on the airwaves, it was “Bruce’s” image that I would see.

It has been a very long time ago since we two last met in the flesh.  I suppose that was when he was still involved with the world’s music.  But last I heard, he is into Christian ministry and finally has the privilege to preach, thus, if so, his music now has a perfect acoustic.

And I think I am right, judging from his posts I scan today, “Bruce’s” definitely in Christ now, “he is a new creature” (2 Cor.5:17) as he’s in God’s service.  And today I am one of his happiest buddies to see him in his current state, that ‘prophecy’ of mine has been fulfilled:  for he finally found a real success.

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