Sunday, January 8, 2017


There were lots of national issues I wanted to post about since many weeks ago, but each time I’d start my piece concerning them there came another yet much more pressing issue. And one that hogged the headlines for many times was about obvious collusion between DAR and DBM, joined by DA, bogus NGO’s and the aging “innocents” from the office of our “what[?]-who[?]-me[?]” ‘honorable’ congressmen.

I’m referring to that undying issue about the infamous pork barrel scam exposing where an amount of only ten billion bucks from taxpayers’ money was involved therein, revealing in details for the entire world to be seen that the fiercest crime syndicate is in the government, where every member thereof is the real enemy of the state within.

For if they are not masterfully colluding with each other or not perfectly well-organized, how come they could not be totally stopped and truly punished each time they’re exposed after pulling off a heist?

It’s because there’s a mob in every public seat in the country. They’re extremely dangerous and cunning than the publicly known Mafiosi. What makes them more dreadful is in light of the fact that they are in a clean sheep’s clothing. You seek their help when you’re in trouble to find out later they’re the ones who, figuratively and literally, make a killing.

Therefore, think twice before approaching anyone for your exposé. Think first of a possible conspiracy for it’s better to be paranoid than sorry.  We can’t blame the less and the ordinary for losing their hope and trust on our supposed guardians of society, for the latter are the top lawbreakers and flaunting the power given by the people themselves temporarily.

Remember that infamous Dasma incident when a couple of local and national politicians-siblings, both a neophyte national politician’s children, came from a lavish party hosted by their rising another politician sibling and gave us a glimpse in what they all could do more once their patriarch becomes this country’s president?

Won’t it make you think that if they could impose their will right in the territory of the rich and mighty, let alone ignore a simple subdivision policy, surely they could own the souls of the powerless and needy, and break every rule and law everywhere in the country. Well, we ourselves are the ones who voted them into office, so we have just to live and bear and grin it.

I could still recall the title written in the pamphlets distributed in 1995 by then first-time congressional candidate Raul Gonzales: “The Government That We Deserve.” After he won and took his seat for nine years as Iloilo’s representative and was appointed in the DOJ to serve, the whole country indeed witnessed the government that we deserved.

But to the believers, all they’re waiting for is the one that will remain forever. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder….” (Isaiah 9:6)

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