Sunday, January 1, 2017


[Reviewing memories of January 1, 2013 at 4:06pm]

The past midnight, for the first time since I can remember, while revelers watched it coming I myself slept the New Year.

No amount of “Ampatuan” and “Sinturon Ni Hudas” could persuade me to wake up, no, not even on “Bin Laden’s” bidding. I just remember I opened my eyes for a split second when I turned around in time for an ear-splitting “Goodbye Bading.”

I dozed off at around ten as I watched my beautiful Rahab battling allergies after taking a soup purged from native chicken. Poor little girl, henceforth, she’d to avoid the droolsome foursome of “Tinola,” “Binakol,” “Litson” and “Linagpang” for good to shun itching.

My mind drifted after reviewing the year that was. The year that left a bad taste in the mouth that was too tough for us. But despite virtual, year-long, personal drought and four medical admissions when I summed it all, the more I got to realize that we were indeed never left nor forsaken by my Savior as He proved it He’d always remain greatly faithful.

It’s still a modern miracle or pure wonder to behold God’s grace defying logic and simple mathematics. You’re surprised to find you survived the year though your gross income was only a fraction of your total expenses.

Truly, if He withheld not even His only Son from the world as His Greatest Gift, why just good health, food and shelter of His for us He cannot give?

It’s great reviewing things which were good, from Day One of the past year and be in the mood. And try to forget things which were bad or at least cull lessons from which and be glad.

As you rewind 2012 you can’t help but recalling how terribly busy you were, when all work and no play almost made you a dull boy the entire year.

But it’s more shocking to find after your meticulous summary and careful look, that most of the time last year you almost did nothing but logging in to Facebook.

Happy New Year…

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