Thursday, January 12, 2017


A story was told about a pregnant woman whose husband was away when she suddenly felt it was her hour already.  Therefore, she hurriedly packed her things up all by herself to go to the nearest hospital and quickly hailed a taxi.

She was humbly begging, wailing and wantonly cursing the driver just to speed up while she would alternately stretch and curl.  They reached the hospital’s emergency entrance in record time but it was too late still as she had just given birth to a baby girl.

As she was rolled in on a stretcher along with her baby, she wryly smiled as she covered her face in shame because kibitzers gathered around her taxi.  A female attendant comforted her, “Never mind it, Ma’am, worse embarrassment happened here last year to a lady:  she gave birth right at the lobby.”

To which replied she: “Yeah, and it was also me.”

Such is one of the examples of good intention gone bad.  Surely the attendant didn’t mean the woman any hurt.  She would like to readily comfort her upon seeing her patient was despondent over what happened.  She liked the woman to feel she was far better than what the lady of the previous year had experienced.

It was quite so bad it turned out the good attendant was talking to the same woman here.  Hence, rather than she would be comforted, the woman’s humiliation turned out to be severe.  Truly, in this world, anyone of us could not avoid not hurting any fellow at any given time.  Even with polite absent-mindedness, we would surely commit mistakes and faults of any kind.

For we’re all pregnant, pregnant of sin and error being an imperfect creature.  That is why we all need that Someone Who’s plenteous of mercy and succor.

That’s why we need a Savior.

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