Friday, January 13, 2017


Henceforth I call you not servants; …. but I have called you friends” (John 15:15 KJV).

There was also a story about an entrepreneur who went to the bank to make a cash deposit to his account.  While waiting for his turn to be called, he saw his friend who had owed him previously a certain amount.

Obviously, that friend of his was about to deposit some big cash to his own account likewise.  The friend had money now but he would be saving, not paying, so he just murmured, ‘He’s wise.’  But they still talked comfortably to each other quite like the old times.  Mentioning about childhood and past love memories of various kinds.

Minutes after, while they enjoyed their conversation, there came in three burly men who swiftly announced a robbery-hold-up.  They were all brandishing high-powered firearms and in so short a time they emptied the entire vaults both with checks and cash.

Unsatisfied, the fiercest among the robbers declared to all bank employees and customers:  “I will shoot anyone who will not put in this bag his or her money, jewelry, wallet or purse.”

The friend, trembling, emptied his pockets, and to the entrepreneur, he gave all his money fast:  “Remember the amount of twenty thousand I owed you then in cash?  I am now paying back.”

It really feels great to have friends who remember you in times of trouble or before the end.  Who would stick through thick and thin, who had helped as well your broken heart to mend. 

You can’t help but find their love for you so wonderful and amazing in every sense.  But, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 KJV).

Exactly like what did Jesus, Who showed us such sort of love.  Being His friends, He paid our debt:  and paid it with His blood (Heb.9:14,22).

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