Saturday, December 17, 2016


[But-now-blemished memories from December 17, 2015]

A few days ago, the Law of Average has finally caught up the invincible NBA reigning champ Golden State Warriors. Prior to their recent loss, they’re on a roll, itching to break the Lakers’ 33-straight-wins record by finesse or by force.

They have already shattered the 15 game-unblemished season start held by only two other teams. To tie with the then clearly superior Lakers, all they needed exactly were five more straight wins.  But alas, to the delight or dismay, depending on which side you’re on, of all league enthusiasts, the NBA’s seemingly perfectly assembled playing cast was made imperfect by the Milwaukee Bucks.

Yes, Virginia, that young Milwaukee Bucks that have now earned the distinction as the NBA’s super spoilers. League history shows that it was the same basketball team that also stopped the abovementioned rolling Lakers. Enough to make me holler, “The Bucks stop here!”

It’s truly hard to defy the Law of Average if you’re pure human even if you are the purely amazing Stephen Curry, current player with the best shooting hand. To defy it you must first repeal the said law just exactly like what ex-President Joseph “Erap” Estrada had seriously planned with the Law of Supply and Demand.

Perhaps Erap had wanted to outshine the achievement of the Wright Brothers famous for their ‘gimmicks: that is, when they both “amend” the Law of Gravity and successfully ‘created’ the Law of Aerodynamics.

The Golden State may have broken a lot of records after records in the NBA but with their recent setback with the Bucks it simply shows that everything here on Earth has its end. We may be ‘perfect’ in some other time, most of the time, but we cannot be all of the time, as we are still living in this error-prone world where our life from God we did only lend.

No matter how we try not to, sin will catch up on us because by nature we’re weak, imperfect and born with spiritual infirmities (Rom. 3:23). But the Lord God assured us all with His promise: “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).

It’s the strength that by sheer faith would make all our infirmities and every sin erased. And turn every repentant sinner’s personal record into becoming perfectly unblemished.

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