Wednesday, December 28, 2016


[Forgivable memories from Dec 20, 2013 12:56pm]

In view of its endless surprises, life seems like a familiar magic. Just when you think you’ve already seen it, here comes a hat with another rabbit. But she’s not just another rabbit for me. She was, and obviously still is, the lovely “Bunny.”

I couldn’t believe “Bunny” and I would meet in this city again, no, not in this life. Last I heard she was on tour in
Europe and the Americas being a European’s wife.

I was surprised when she greeted me first yesterday morning inside a courier service office that was too comforting and so cold, for although she was facing me I didn’t notice her countenance as I was looking at her chest which was glaring with the gold.

Yeah, she was wearing a gold chain necklace with a big pendant I always crave for: the Star of David. And even as we talked I couldn’t help fixing my eyes in that jewel between her twin “assets.”

That’s why until now, although I try also to be fair always, of all the persons I meet in a day accused of theft and robbery, I can’t control my prejudice against the snatchers because in Plaza Libertad “my precious” Star of David then had they taken away.

“Bunny” is one of the few who—until now I don’t know if she deliberately did it or not—nipped my crazy heart in the bud, so to speak. She was once a barely legal law office sec, who, in the bare eyes of a young ignorant worker like me, possesses an Angelina Jolie’s beak.

I could still recall the moment when I called her at her office in a hush-hush and sweet tone, to wait for me at five p.m. as I intended to accompany her on her way home. Her sweeter “okay” answer I recalled the more and, as told, I awaited her at the end of their building’s staircase painted in chrome as I smiled the naughty smile of a gnome.

And you try to imagine what my feeling was when after having been told things like that by a girl you perceived understood your motive, upon reaching your mutually agreed spot you saw her descending in that staircase but locking arms with another guy obviously with everything to give. But to edit what an old TV ad says, you don’t only need a juicy in times like these, even if your ego was pissed off, say “Cheese!”

Thus, I quietly said “Cheese” again as she dragged me outside of that courier office to talk about our present, “raket” and schemes. I obliged because a civil person in me has also learned to forgive people like her, I just don’t forget their names.

As we talked at the sidewalk, it was impossible for other men not to glance at her because although her cap blurred half her face, she still carried herself with a mesmerizing, almost that same old predatory grace.

When I mentioned to her about her pendant, she told me it was given to her by her Swiss-Israeli husband. He wanted her to remember
Israel far more than the country where he was born, the Switzerland.

When I asked her if there’s particular phrase she’d connect her thoughts with that country which is the center of events in the future, she said yes, she’s taught by her then five-year-old boy: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.” (Psalms 137:5-6).

I was impressed with her heartfelt and fine delivery. With that, I totally forgave and forgot “Bunny’s” sin against me.

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