Friday, December 2, 2016


I don’t usually agree ever since with former President Fidel V. Ramos’ opinion but this time the one regarding De Lima’s love and affection is another exception.  The fading old soldier’s right about never minding De Lima’s private liaison, they should concentrate rather on proving of her alleged drug dealing participation.

If the courts would find her guilty about drugs beyond reasonable doubt, then she should be jailed.  A prosecutor worth his salt could just build an air-tight case that out of the senate she’d be legally haled.

But I could only smile in disgust when congressmen dwell on her love affairs with a sneer so that before the people of the Philippines Leila be shamed forever.  Well, I remember what Jesus had said when the Pharisees accused a woman of adultery:  “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7).

Besides, an ordinary law-abiding citizen of this republic knows it well that our congressmen should be the last persons to preach about morality and adultery by now.  But we should understand their anger towards thieves of public funds and cash cows, as we have this old proverb, “Ang magnanakaw ay galit sa kapwa magnanakaw.”

Of course, we can’t accuse them all with absolute certainty anent such alleged offense knowing that the constitution says there is this so-called presumption of innocence.  However, the law is useful only to those who have the power to enforce it, or so it seems, even if it’s ‘enemy’ is a senator of whom falling in love is one of her primary sins.

Love indeed is unfathomable, a very mysterious thing, as I had also thought a smart coed who fell in love with a slow-witted guy like me was a stock character in a comic novel.  And when it happened to me I believed in mystery, for how sweet it was and well, yet, little did I know that in comparison now to Ronnie Dayan’s experience mine would simply pale.

Love was much kinder to Ronnie the driving man, as his past love is now a tough senator of the land.  It’s just so sad that our congressmen want to impute sin on Leila for loving someone like Dayan.

I would have stood in awe of such kind of love Senator Leila had if I never knew the one that’s far greater than that, the love that would always stand tall.  It’s one that is patient, kind, does not envy and boast, not proud, it doesn’t dishonor others; not self-seeking, and keeps no record of wrongs at all (1 Cor. 13:4-5 NIV): 

The love of God the Merciful.

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