Wednesday, December 28, 2016


[Innocent memories on Dec 29, 2015 11:48pm]

I was supposed to post this yesterday but afraid just the same people might take this as a joke. Well, in case you forgot, folks, yesterday was like the day of April Fool’s, the day fun is poked.

In history, it was known in general to be the innocents’ day as our tradition and our oldies too have remembered. That day was to commemorate the hour when Herod The Great had had all the Jewish ‘innocents’ be slaughtered.

Yesiree, yesterday was for the unforgettable day of ‘innocents,’ the day when unsuspecting mothers never knew their toddlers would die. Like the day we were told “Let’s get enough of the Marcoses, bid them forever goodbye; let’s get enough of a thief, let’s vote for Binay!”

In short, yesterday was the day of mourning and jeering. But not me and my spouse, we were laughing and cheering. Yesterday was the day when, fifteen years ago, she was on her way to work for the Sy business. Then I called her 3210, telling her there was an urgent matter, she’d to drop by at our office. And the rest is history, as goes that old, overused and tattered cliché. Never did she realize she was only stopping by in my workplace to marry.

Travelling intensely but with equal focus as I mixed official business and superficial pleasure, we scoured the streets of the new Metro where, twenty-five years ago, I had my very first adventure. Racing against time because of limited days and with the bulk of our budgeted hour devoured by ubiquitous traffic, we simply resorted to ancient mode of transportation and what else is that but our old reliable and resilient cold feet.

Yesterday, it was so refreshing being alone once more with my one and only wife—so far—to celebrate to some place where I’d been astray once. I said refreshing, because I dated her in some tent refreshment in Divisoria with ‘walang kamatayang’ goto, lumpiang toge, tokwa and gulaman.

But know ye, that this is one of too many simpler things not affordable to the likes of Lucio Tan and Henry Sy. These things are where the joy is to me albeit we know we were flirting with disaster if not “Hepa” or TB.

Yes, it didn’t matter after all, it was our wedding anniversary.  Another year of proof God’s grace and mercy abound to me.

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