Friday, December 16, 2016


One of the popular and most awaited events in one of the campuses of the so-called Philippines’ premier state university is the initiation rites of one of its accredited fraternities where applicants or neophytes run around the premises in their naked glory. Even the national media is enamored of this academic activity that the leaders of the organization therein take pride in capturing the public imagination, and close-up vision, annually letting everyone be taken for a ride from the visitors, students and faculty.

I first saw this campus fraternal marathon when I happened to enter the school way back in early 1990’s after I accompanied a friend who happened to be a friend of one of the faculty.  Young girls lurking along the way or waiting around openly for those young men in their birthday outfit to pass by were obviously excited as they were expecting bigger things among men’s pride to see.

Another thing I have lately noticed was what had started as just a simple traditional initiation practice becomes now a way for political statement and no more a run for brotherhood and peace. Well, knowing the school which proudly listed both Marcos and Ninoy as among its produce, I wonder no more why it still condones it as she is known too for, good or bad, tolerating different beliefs.

Imagine,—or see,—with due respect to their fraternity, what the gall those kids have to denounce corruption in this country, calling it like immoral and lewd but they run around the whole university without bothering to put anything covering their lower body.  It’s no different from that usual little act, in a case where a pot calling the kettle black.

Last I heard, to be naked in public in intentional display is against the law regarding customs and immorality. But I don’t blame the school because out of it was also one of the best things that ever happened to me. Besides, among those bold young naked groups composed of a consenting neophyte, a few percentages of them are generally considered truly possessing something with pride.

Well, if you would compel me to give further my humble opinion partially or in sum, all I can say is that’s what you get for giving someone or something too much freedom. No, it does not mean that abusing such freedom is all that proud school does, but that she too must agree that like absolute power, absolute freedom corrupts.

Just like some Christians who, because of the truth that the moment they accept Christ as their only Savior, they gain freedom, thus, ”There is therefore now no condemnation to them (Rom.8:1), they would misunderstand and abuse such freedom by keeping in their mind they’re eternally secure so they’re free now likewise to let their carnal personality commit the same mistakes again.

Yes, I full well believe too that once saved, always saved, yet the Bible also has said, “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).  Of course, it does not mean that a believing individual could not commit any sin the rest of his life no more, he would, but not deliberately or habitually anymore, in the things he’d say and do.

As he who believes in Jesus Christ is now a totally different creature for he has acquired in his person the fruit of the Spirit hence he becomes totally new.  What would be in him are only “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law" (Gal. 5:22-23).

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