Tuesday, December 6, 2016


I couldn’t believe we could afford a feast the other Sunday, November Twenty-seventh.  Many people thought I had enough personal funds for which, no, I had not, neither any savings. 

It’s an undeniable fact that in the eyes of some other people who consider our family filthy rags, I have nothing.  But that blessed Sunday, the special day of my personal thanksgiving, showed me that I have everything.

All praises be to God.  And to His wonderful love.

For He is the Source of it all, the One Who cause things to happen, to make me astound, for such feast turned out to be the result of collective efforts from amazing individuals around:  chief of them were my beloved wife and her first cousins, To Bert and To Ben with their respective families, and most especially, my one and only sis Ne Yen whose love and care abound.

That Sunday was another manifestation of human life’s genuine joy, another testament of this beautiful world’s real happiness.  That there are so many things invisible to the naked eye yet more valuable many times over than all peso and dollar deposits.

The warmth and affection of loyal kindred the years have separated were once again rekindled and re-gathered for you again to crave.  What a difference fifty years could make, it’s as if only yesterday that you were a bubbly kid.  Now, you are confronted together by the fact that you’re all just a step away from the grave.

And like the great King Solomon, you have proven as well simply that every single thing in this world is vanity (Eccl. 1:2).  That, after all you’ve done and worked for, if they’re apart from God, no way they could truly make you happy.

For only in God that we can smile the smile of a young innocent child, not of an old hypocrite.  For only by remaining in His love that God’s joy may be in us and that our joy may be complete (John 15:9-11 NIV).

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