Thursday, April 6, 2017


[Revised from April 5, 2013 post]

Just recently, two news items disturbed, no, shook, rattled and rolled me: One was about the investigation of collusion or conspiracy.  This about our former Supreme Court justices who decided a labor dispute against our own OFW’s and/or their heirs versus a foreign entity.  The other was concerning the Supreme Court of India which struck down the preposterous claim for patent, for an enhanced drug for leukemia by a giant Swiss pharmaceutical company, full of greedy intent.

India, notorious for rape cases and popular for Sushmita Sen, and dubbed “the pharmacy to the world,” is the home of generics.  It’s now known for its wise Supreme Court justices that favored the vast majority, the people’s welfare and their need so basic.

Yeah, around the globe, it’s a hard fact that a pharmaceutical company or a drug corporation sucks. They suck the bulk of all of the peoples’ bucks by overpricing all of the planet’s most important drugs. Since medicines are now also a basic commodity around the world, even the value of those medicines’ taxes, to the held hostage patients are hurled.

We should never be thankful to those drug companies everytime they come up with a new effective drug for a certain disease. In an area called medicine research, they primarily invest, not to help mankind but only for three words: profits, profits, profits.  Among us on this planet take for granted this so-called corporate greed.  Oh, people, it’s dangerous than a killer disease, we’d end up deader than dead.

Time was when the only diseases we have had known about and suffered from were merely a headache, a stomachache or a toothache. You don’t have to look around for proof, Exhibit A were my high school’s pro forma excuse letters with parent’s signature that was fake. Now we have H1N1, H7N9 and other kinds of virus which leave us all to the mercy of the High and Lofty One because there’s no safe place to live here on Earth anymore. A single virus which could fly out of China or Africa or Europe undetected even by shark-like senses of our Customs people could multiply by millions here if allowed by our Creator.

That’s why I’m thankful to my God that only Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HMFD) struck my two-year-old last Sunday which caused her hospitalization until yesterday. Watch out; do not believe that the disease happens only to the five-year-olds and below because it occurs even to adults like me.

In the hospital, I suffered HFMD instantly because my hands were shaking and numbed in fear while I saw her being struck by needles repeatedly, my foot was ignoring the exhaustion and tiredness by running to and from the hospital and the groceries store and pharmacy.

My mouth was stammering as I frantically explained my urgent need for cash ey-es-ey-pee to all of the possible lenders I contacted right away. Thus, before I knew it from the emergency room physician that my girl was having HFMD, all the symptoms of it were present in me.

Now I know, HFMD, in fact, is the usual disease suffered by someone when his/her loved one is to be hospitalized immediately. But like all the viruses in this world, one dose of a drug named Faith could neutralize even kill such sort of viral disease swiftly.

All because there’s our Great Physician Who’s telling us simply: “Fear thou not for I am with Thee…” (Isaiah 43:10)

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