Tuesday, April 11, 2017


One of the hardest parts of life insofar as I am concerned is, after each fall, how to start all over again. Like after my long hiatus from FB due to other concerns, I’d grope for words at once upon re-logging in.

Like when you’re compelled to renew your multi-purpose loan anew after having paid back only some fifty percent, your agony’s end is hard to imagine because you start another long period of extended monthly amortization payment.

When you are still in your early teenage years and starting to feel something special for your opposite gender, you don’t know how to commence conversation with her, much less spill out the words you hope she longs to hear. Or, when you have just been dumped to the floor by someone who for years you adore, and worship as well, it’s hard to teach your heart to beat once more since you would doubt now if it’s still capable to feel.

When you are a fire victim, having lost loved ones and all belongings to the towering inferno which devours everything, despite having no experience whatsoever, still you would sympathize with those victims for you never know too how your next life would begin. We’re all certain that starting anew from the scratch is one of life’s most difficult tasks. It’s like becoming a baby once more: despite fear of falling flat, taking a step is a must.

But while others are at a loss on how to start all over again, other people are insignificantly confused about when does life actually commence.

Like the case of Pro’s and Anti’s regarding the controversial Reproductive Health Bill now in action which the Supreme Court ruled as “not unconstitutional” but struck down its eight provisions thus regarded by many as “win-win” solution. It’s laughable that some religious leaders are in vehement opposition of government funding of youth’s RH education and contraceptives’ provision yet they find no fault in the funding for these same leaders’ personal SUV’s like Pajero and Expedition.

However, many are precisely confused and thus cannot avoid asking: when does a life of a human being would truly be starting?

If we would still care to remember, all human born of a woman are, naturally and scientifically speaking, born winners. If I’d still recall biology right, we were just a sperm cell, racing and reaching first to an egg cell, over several million others.

But, when God actually gives breath and spirit in action, is it during fertilization or conception?

If you ask for my sincerest opinion, I don’t really care about in what stage of creation a human life begins. It’s because I truly believe we will all be judged not on how we started life but how do we live it till it ends.

You think you’re holier because you’re born ahead and have had done for God so many tasks? What do you think then, why did Jesus said that many are called but few chosen thus the last shall be first and the first last (Matthew 20:16)?

In this sports where involved are all the living, the matter’s still on how we played the game. So, if you ask me when it truly starts rolling again, well, life begins at forty-seven.

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