Wednesday, April 5, 2017


I was greatly surprised the other Monday the moment I reluctantly took a seat inside a slow-moving Miagao PUJ, driven by someone I know, on my way to the city. Had it not for my immediate realization that I last beheld that familiar image twenty-eight years ago from that same day, I would have looked the other way.

I could not be mistaken, it was that profile for which I sang in mumbles these lines from a famous band: “Oh yeah, I’ll tell you something, I think you’ll understand; When I say that something, I wanna hold your hand.”

So I fixed my eyes in curiosity on that young lady seated beside a slit-eyed, ivory-skinned, athletic-built young male—hubby or not, I’ve yet to know—who was directly in front of me, as hers were a feature I could not forget, no!

And how could I do, when everyday for half-semester I feasted my eyes in abandon, clandestinely though, on that oval face in Baby Tsina-hair with cutie nose and perfectly outlined glinting eyes under a natural arching brow.

Yeah, all that slender figure mostly in loose tops over jeans complimented her light weight. From June to October 1988, I had always perfected in mind such very lovely portrait.

Sometimes I would like to think that’s the reason perhaps a light bulb switches on in my head each time I see a complete resemblance of such profile. Perhaps that’s the reason that when I do I would not mind these ubiquitous creases to show all over my face just to let out my sweetest smile.

But on that Monday I made sure I hid that sort of smile of course. Lest, I would be flirting with a stranger’s irritation, or worse, curse.

How could you not beam upon recalling those times when your soul always threw at her those secret glimpses day and night, too careful her own stares would not catch in flagrante your nervous, squinting sight?

You grin upon remembering those were the times of pure admiration to an apple of the eye, for with a clean heart and guiltless mind you were simply looking at her as a person to be with, not an object of amorous desire.

Seeing at present those images from the past that make us remember every portrait of good things and glory would revitalize our energy and reaffirms our belief that life indeed is worth living. For they are there to be considered upon, or to cull lessons from, while we continue to give our best, and trying, for despite trials and troubles ahead, we know the fullness of joy is in the offing.

Just like when we see the portrait of God around us in each and every way. We remember how faithful He is through His provisions that we receive daily.

We can’t help but remember the kindness of a merciful God since Day One of our life upon gaining knowledge of such great love. In fact, it’d be more amazing to know that even when we were still clueless about that, He already cared because “He first loved us” (I John 4:19).

That even when we ignored Him then, still, we already had His look of love. For while we were still ungodly, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6,8).

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