Thursday, April 6, 2017


"For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing” (Isa.61:8).

One of the hottest issues that erupted lately was about these “Panama Papers” which stirred a lot of controversy after their list includes so many “who’s-who” among world leaders and personalities. Last night, April 07, the news said the prime minister of Iceland, one of those in the said list, resigned from his position because the loss of trust and confidence by his constituents denied him peace.

What a breeding! We poor Filipinos could only watch in envy with some of the rest of the human race—the people from Reykjavik in this case—when it comes to a government official’s propriety, honor, and self-respect.  Elsewhere in the world, if there’s prima facie evidence of a public leader’s scandalous act and deed, such leader immediately leaves, here, a controversial official rather runs for a higher office while citing “due process.”

And we all know well how “due process” is being handled by clever lawyers in this country. Some suits, in the average course, are litigated for at least two decades before it attains finality. In fact, if you try to research about some cases already buried in the grave and declared final and executory, could still win, provided you get the services of an old Martial Law attorney.
And may I ask you, what are these “Panama Papers”? I’m sorry, but I lack details, just go read the papers. I mean news in newspapers. Better yet, online or Inquirer’s. In fact again, to tell you honestly, I’ve no idea where exactly is Panama. I heard it only because of its Canal and boxer having “Manos de Piedra.”

Panama Papers could be as deadly as pretty Darby Shaw’s legal documents called the Pelican Brief. They could be like Pandora’s Box, with indicting information against the world’s wealthiest and the filthy rich. As filthy as a Filipino politician who could be among the worst in the world as, you mind only reason and logic about his lifestyle and wealth, and presto, he’s undoubtedly more lethal than Lupin The Third in looting and dividing the spoil, making him hazardous to the nation’s health.

You ask, why do our traditional politicians behave like that? I think it’s because they believe stealing is a privilege in a public office. Or maybe, although they know what they’re doing is a sin indeed, yet, they decide to enjoy it for a while as after all there’s God’s grace.

However, the Christians in Rome had Apostle Paul exhorted: “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid” (Romans 6:1-2). “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof” (v.12), for today’s Lord of Mercy and Grace is tomorrow’s God of Justice.

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