Monday, August 29, 2016


“Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides…” - - - Louis de Bernières
When I woke up yesterday morning I was shocked by the scorching news that greeted me.  Let me describe such news’ summary through the paraphrased lyrics of Peter, Paul and Mary:

“Puff,” the tragic Dragon, killed near the sea; when he frolicked in after The Stone he missed in the land called Camp Crame.

I believe it was long anticipated that such unfortunate incident would happen to The Dragon soon or late, but I think it never occurred to anyone’s mind that The Dragon’s devoted wife would suffer the same fate.  But it did.  She’s also dead.

As I paused for a moment to think, whoever did it, or caused it to be done, maybe he or she is very upset too, no, so angry, with the woman.  Ahh, envious women, look what you have done, you were fighting for equality with a man so you are not exempted anymore to the fury of a gun.

Looking back, so far, I think only twice in my life that I have had been so enraged with a female kind where it really felt so bad.  First was with my fourth grade classmate named Glenda, and the other was with a certain Gilda during my first year in the job.

My tussle with Glenda was a laughable experience because nothing serious there as it was just ‘away-bata,’ pure and simple.  The one with Gilda was more shameful because it revealed how so naïve I was in the name of love, how stupid, what a fool!

In both times, I caused my own undoing, it was me who provoked Glenda to anger that caused her to throw a banana peeling that smacked right on my face.  I could not take the laughter of our amused classmates that my instant reaction was murderous after I’d been hit and picked a garden hoe and gave her a chase.

Gilda was a lawyer’s secretary who when she visited my jobsite, right at first sight I quickly felt some fatal attraction.  I asked for her office’s phone number fast and told her I would fetch her therein right after my duty in the afternoon.

She sweetly consented.  My heart was exhilarated.  I could hardly contain my pure excitement; I arrived at their law office on that same day at five fifteen.   Nevertheless, I was shocked there to see her being held around her waist by her handsome boyfriend.  I could not explain exactly until now what I did feel then.  Betrayed?  Been set up?  Dunno.  But I was quite in seething pain.

Thank God on both occasions I was still able to pull myself back and regather my senses.  Evil thoughts entered the mind of a man humiliated judging from those experiences.

Of course, considering the years I have already accumulated, I’ve had been upset with many other women many times in my life.  Yet only in those times that my anger was too much for them that in a spur of the moment I thought of taking away someone’s life.

Sometimes, a sudden burst of overwhelming emotion is so hard to control if we are under the pull of the flesh.  No wonder James The Just reminded us about a Christian’s conduct about fury through God’s grace (James 1:19-20).

As a human being living in a world of different types of people, yeah, we can’t avoid to be mad.  But we must not let ourselves be totally drowned by our sinful nature:  “Be ye angry, and sin not” (Eph.4:26).

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