Friday, August 12, 2016


“A man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life.”- - - Christopher Morley

Staying up till almost midnight last night I found delight as I watched Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton hurling mud at each other for the preliminary of their oncoming fight in the US presidential election.  I caught CNN Philippines late because my remote stuck when I switched it to NBA archives featuring 1987 LA versus Boston, the reason why I saw them only when CNN’s show was already in conclusion.

But I still heard each other’s segments of accusation, which is related to sanity issue, to each his own rhetorics to employ.  Those sewed scenes of fiery speeches from both camps sowed confusion in my mind who between them is the real McCoy.

They traded barbs, they fought tooth and nail.  You’d wonder who is stooping to whose level.  And I remember that fine old maxim which is clad in a shod:  “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”

I agree, a man gone crazy is worse than being deprived of life and liberty.  He is just like a walking dead, a curse to himself, to his family, to society.  Even avengers of blood would have a change of heart once they see that their target marked for death has gone deranged and wild.  They know what he’s suffering is a lot more painful than to be killed a couple of times as it would be simply like being buried alive.

Even King Achish of the Philistines let David go although he and his people recognized the latter as the one who killed their giant warrior Goliath.  It was because they thought David, through his Oscar-ish act, really went mad when he escaped to the land of the Philistines to flee from King Saul’s wrath (1 Samuel 21:9-15).

Like the world today, speak about Christ and more likely than not, they would find you crazy.  For them, Christ is only a religion, forgetting that He never teaches religion but life for eternity. 

That anyone can be saved by faith, others believe this hard.  But I’d say, do not underestimate His grace and great love. 

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (1 Cor.3:19).

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