Sunday, August 14, 2016


Now that’s a leader! This was my cheerful reaction upon reading for the first time that news piece saying the indescribable Rodrigo R. Duterte did apologize to Ms. Sereno, our Lady Chief Justice.  The man’s truly a gentleman regardless of what others may say who he is, it’s in his nature indeed, I can only say that Rody and I have something in common:  a woman is both our weakness!

Now, as what have seen and heard too around the country, what a leader really is this male president in Mr. Duterte.  Compared to a woman in Ms. Arroyo when she was in her full glory, Rody’s totally different when saying “I’m sorry.”

So far, this eccentric but sincere Commander-In-Chief never fails to amaze me, but before you pro/anti-Duterte out there judge me, I confess before every one of you, I never voted for Rody!  But I also did not pick Mar, the son of Judy, neither Jejomar, a god of Makati, well, blame it upon Nonoy Atong, Rody’s financier, after he failed then to give me a Digong T-shirt, until today!

I admit I never saw it coming, considering his tough guy persona and seemingly ‘unwhisperable’ attitude especially so when someone caused his temper to surge.  The least I would expect from him is to offer an apology to a ‘mere’ ‘Number Three’ in the hierarchy of this country inhabited by wolves also known as drug lords.

Deep inside me, I may not agree with a Duterte policy about instant ‘execution’ of a street person he perceives as ‘beyond redemption’—unless he does the same to narco governors, mayors, congresspersons and generals to PO1’s who essentially are all guilty of treason.  But I totally agree with his such personal decision.  Especially that Duterte did it on national television.

For me, Rody Duterte’s act of contrition and sorry never diminished a bit of his macho image or itself the presidency.  Rather, it enhanced his manhood and bolstered his stock much more as a leader who knows, goes and shows the way.  Rody has taught us once more that it’s in humility that we gain compassions of the heart.  For we saw what Justice Sereno did, she instantly accepted his apology, every bit and every part.

Like Chicago, it was also hard for me to say I was sorry, but I’ve proven later along life’s way that asking forgiveness from anyone I have offended is gaining sure peace of mind with everybody.  Even the Lord God would forgive a soul readily, if the latter humbles himself before Him, says he’s sorry for his sins, and accepts Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of his life for all eternity (Ps. 51:16-17; Acts 16:31).


  1. Ahah... You should have reminded Atong of that shirt again..
    Anyways, God bless Philippines

  2. I authorize you to remind him in my behalf, pastor... as they say, "Mal-ams do not fade away, they simply can't remember me." (bag o ko lang diparahan ja)
