Monday, January 22, 2018


[January 16, 2016 at 2:38pm
A priest and a pastor stood near a sharp curve on a busy road holding signs on a big square plate. “The end is near!” read the priest’s sign, while the pastor’s warned, “Turn around before it’s too late!”
As he passed by, a jerk in a sports car yelled “Idiots!” and shook his head, blasted his horn, raised one finger and stomped on the gas. Moments later the clerics suddenly heard the sound of screeching tires, followed by a Tarzan-like bellow and then a loud big splash.
The priest turned to the pastor and said, “Maybe we should change our signs to ‘Bridge Out’.”
Just recently, there were two prominent persons in their field of expertise and skill that people have seen how much they were endeared so well when both for whom did finally toll the bell. One was Mr. German Moreno, a.k.a. Kuya Germs or Mr. Showman, depending on your preference of showbiz spiel, and the other was Ms. Letty Jimenez Magsanoc, journalist nonpareil.
Kuya Germs was said to be so kindhearted to those aspiring newbies in showbiz dreaming to make it big, so generous to the point that even in the bottomest part of his pocket he would not hesitate to dig. I smiled when I heard he’d a secret crush too on Ms. Dawn Zulueta, my teenage crush when I still love shindig along with Marianne Dela Riva, both are listed in my personal archive of local beauties’ league.
LJM? Well, each time she would be mentioned by her colleagues in her profession in some write-ups I read, I could always sense their awe and respect to the woman who, to me, everything in journalism had she perfected. At a time when so many men hid their tails between their legs at a mere mention of the word Marcos, to be buckled down too she did refuse, and she bucked the system with balance news and fearless views.
It’s really different when you live life driven by a specific purpose. You’d not regret a thing as you continue living it, win or lose. It’s truly feels different when you live life touching lives. No matter what happens, the passion, the joy, thrives.
Just like Jesus Christ Who came into this world neither for men’s praises nor for any world’s precious prize. He came not to call the righteous but sinners for repentance (Mat. 9:13; Mk. 2:17). He lived touching hearts. And saving lives.

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