Saturday, January 27, 2018


[January 28, 2013 at 9:31am]
From the first time I saw his “E.T.” many summers ago when right in Miagao Cultural Hall its silver screen was also unfurled, I made a personal vow I’d always follow all the succeeding films by Steven Spielberg. Since childhood I kept on hearing, personally, that blunt word “ugly”---now, you know why I’ve always an eye for a beauty?---so Spielberg didn’t know how that movie helped me psychologically, as, by human eye standard, such creature was ugly yet everybody then loved E.T.
That real beauty is marrow deep, I think in such movie too that I had it realized, like Ruffa did in her Miss World tilt reply: “What is essential is invisible to the naked eye.” Likewise, through Spielberg, the world came to know the talented Whoopi Goldberg. Watch her again in her portrayal in “The Color Purple” where in drama she’s either superb.
I remember too watching Steven’s holocaust three-and-half-hour drama “Schindler’s List,” which when I first saw it, right then, I immediately repeated. I would have been the most callous-hearted had I not felt what they’d been through, they, the Jews, God’s most beloved.
And after watching Friday night the bootleg copy of his latest “Lincoln,” no, not the vampire-slaying kind, I also wondered why he was snubbed for best director award by the Golden Globe’s brilliant minds. I hope though he’ll bag that prestigious plum comes 24th of February, right at the Oscars where the ones bestowing honors are his peers and colleagues themselves in the Academy.
In “Lincoln” you’d see that it pays to have a decisive leader. When wielded responsibly and conscientiously, nothing to fear of absolute power. But if you give that power to the kind of legislators we have today, then I warn you, be afraid, be very afraid, absolutely. Most of them believe that the only persons capable to run this country are only those from their own family, the rest are definitely nuisance and insignificant as they presumed others to be.
Now, tell me, will you still vote for their offspring, sibling and progeny, though the matriarchs and patriarchs did nothing but pillaging and raping this country? That absolute power to get rid of those men and women and to prevent them from shaming us further will be in our hands a little later as we’re going to choose again our next set of legislative and local leaders. Choose not for those with “gutter” character, chief of which, or one of whom, after he’d been left, said he thought he had the love of his wife in his pocket. Of course, he was wrong, as wrong as his lifetime belief that he has the love of all Filipino taxpayers in his wallet.
Therefore be reminded again that the fault lies not in the stars, dear voting Netizens, but in ourselves and in shading of circles that we are underlings.

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