Tuesday, February 28, 2017


[March 1, 2013]
Prepare for the worse, or, expect the unexpected, as an old cliché goes, because you’re gonna find yourself in some trap unknowingly get caught. Like being caught in camera spearheading a Chinese Dragon parade in the city quite recently, when all you did was walk passed by it only but someone took your pic for mistaking you as Coco Martin or any other matinee idol on TV.

Like last Wednesday.

For the very first time in my entire life in this province and in Iloilo City, I was surprised when being suddenly called to take the trial court’s witness stand which is a seat actually. And this is my unsolicited “legal” advice to the people of the Philippines, legal and illegal aliens including, settle your conflict swiftly, do not dare to sue or be sued in this beloved country called Land of the Morning.

It’s because regardless whether you’re a complainant or defendant in the offing you’ll have your day in court where both lawyers would come hard on you, pouncing. I was thankful neither from both parties did get the services of one of the most dreaded courtroom brawlers-cum-counsel. The kind of interrogator deadly than the friars during the Inquisition who wouldn’t care if his questions are immaterial and irrelevant so long as he wants witnesses to grill.

Of course, it’s our civic duty to appear in court any time of day once it needs our testimony, but sometimes you wish soon comes the time when all courts in this country don’t need to subpoena anymore but just browse at anyone’s FB. There, they’d see all kinds of facts and all any other information available, including your entire “crushes” and “loves” in life that are now, like you, no longer available.

Further, the worst thing in taking the stand is that your principle would compromise or differ, especially when you grew up saying only the words that are kinder since in court you’d be compelled to swear. When I was asked if I’d swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, and “I swear” went my reply, I was tempted to add the words in familiar tune, “by the moon and the stars in the sky.”

But I had no second thought in scrapping the plan immediately, knowing that I “canst make one hair white or black” (Matthew 5:36) in deference to the preaching of the Man from Galilee.

I did also entertain the idea of literally abiding to the letter by what I’d been sworn into, i.e., to absolutely tell nothing but the truth. Yet, do you think you wouldn’t be locked up in jail if you’re asked to state your name and you say, “Truth,” age, “Truth,” and civil status, “Truth”?

I’m happy although I escaped not unscathed and barely survived that incident of no-holds-barred question and answer. I knew I would, for I just did my job without malice, favor and fear, and have always this cold neutrality of an impartial ice plant worker.

Now, since I’ve already had my baptism of fire as far as court grilling is concerned, the only hearing left and the one I fear the most is on Judgment Day, where I won’t need to swear in for truth anymore because all incontrovertible evidence will be laid down right there before me, for everyone else to see.

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