Monday, February 27, 2017


The prosecution’s request to the impeachment court for the issuance of subpoena for a Supreme Court justice, regardless of the argument’s purposes, was expectedly rejected. With the likes of then graft-and-corruption-hater Miriam The Fire-eater and “Pag Bad Ka, Lagot Ka” preacher, The Joker, at the frontline, you would feel dejected.

A feeling of rejection is the most hurting sort a heart could’ve ever known. The one with the most excruciating pain at that, its experience could haunt you for life like a cat does the rat. 

Ask former Speaker Jose De Venecia, who was rejected by the voters and whom Erap trampled in the 1998 polls. After that moment of truth, JDV was never the same again, he lost big time and was taken for fools.

Ask Gloria, whose endorsees in the last elections were rejected too by the fed up Filipinos. Most of her allies then, for a long time, as well as her perceived friends, are now officially her foes. Nothing’s full of shame and horrifying in life than experiencing the throne and be jailed for life.

Ask yours truly, whose purest love offered was resoundingly rejected by the same woman not once but twice. And such rejection nearly shattered my belief that women are a spice and everything nice.

Or better yet, ask Christ, whose love, life and blood He offered for free to everyone who believes, are immediately rejected by unrepentant sinners as well as His own nation and race.

A feeling of rejection. Who on Earth had not experienced it even once in his/her lifetime? Everybody, my friend, from the greasy workmen who cry and whine to the kings and princes who dine and wine.

Even the world’s most well-loved superspy was not spared of such feeling of rejection. One time at a party, he confidently approached a beautiful woman with full affection.
He let out first his killer smile and waved his glass of martini, stirred not shaken, to begin his signature familiar introductory:

Superspy: “Bond. James Bond.”

Woman: “Lost. Get lost.”

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