Saturday, February 4, 2017


Not quite a few mistook me as another virtual political activist. The truth is, I hate politics and I’m only active when my feeling’s at its best. Being a hog-tied taxpayer myself, I’m just trying to have a word or two about it, that in my own little way I could remind the voters again if they want a chance at change again, then, this is it. Come election time, vote responsibly and conscientiously.

Don’t vote for a name, my goodness, it is reputation and character that must be weighed. If it happens that the official list of local and national candidates would be released finally, and you found out that such list is just a choice between a proverbial devil and the deep blue sea, then it’s another story. Please just vow down your head to pray or look up to heaven, clasp up both hands and wish, “May the lesser evil win.”

Among the senatorial candidates, I wish too you’d try to vote for those who are of totally new breed, provided however by name, by affinity, by consanguinity, or to familiar dynasties are not related. It’s better to try our “luck” with the untested ones for the next three years to see their kind of politics, than to suffer those “same old same old” to go back to make us suffer again instead and to play over and over again with their same old dirty tricks.

Give the rookies a chance as, after all, if they would mess up, just never re-elect them comes next election time to force them to give up. And some younger voters may not be familiar with these old veteran candidates who once occupied those familiar seats with their scepters. I tell you, not one among them made a sudden and significance impact in our law and life but rather they just made themselves rich if not richer.

It is a fact in this country that if you really want to become wealthy, be a politician, not a taipan, as you don’t need to worry about founding a company. For once you got there in politics already, that problem would be immediately solved. A company would establish itself for yourself, with incorporators in droves, yeah, to be your own company, a company of wolves.

It’s a company where success is assured, where the people’s money is transferred and stored. It’s where you apply too what we’ve had studied since pre-school: Mathematical operation. As therein, politics is addition, stealing public funds is subtraction, stashed money “for the boys” (and girls) is division, and accumulated (unexplained) wealth is multiplication.

That’s why while they’re still young I tell my boys to study the Math and do the Math, quick! Lest, they’d only end up later singing America’s music: “You can do magic! You can have anything that you desire, Maah-gic!”

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