Wednesday, February 27, 2019


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” —Leonardo Da Vinci

Despite my vicious but precious pride I simply relented and stopped being autocratic in the house last Sunday. I told myself, why not sometimes try democracy? And thus we resorted to division of the house in dealing with our TV. We are five in the house but in the official tally, it was three to one in favour of ABS-CBN’s “Bet On Your Baby.” This after the third vote was canvassed and my three-year-old lady almost abstained but decided to run away, therefore I was left with no choice but to sit back and pretend I was still happy to watch Judy Ann Santos—and my defeat—graciously.

All the contestant couples featured each a pretty momma, but stood out and easily caught my attention was this certain Anna. Right at first sight I remembered instantly her familiar face and graceful motion, and I was right absolutely with my suspicion: she was the same Anna who has become a certified YouTube sensation! She’s sensational in the sense that despite her being full-blooded Russian in thought and emotion, she could sing beautifully any Filipino song from classic one to Pinoy rap in flawless, native rendition.

She could speak Pilipino a whole lot better compared to a pure Pinoy who left for the U.S. and came back six months after. With her talent, charm and beauty, she could have captured the hearts of an English royalty or a billionaire sheik from Saudi if not an heir to the Sultan of Brunei. But she chose a simple life with a simple Pinoy. She gave her commitment and her future to him and opted to live in simple joy. What makes Anna amazingly astounding and beautiful to me the more is her dedication to absorb in her being all the Filipino traits and culture.

No way could we find contentment in living a simple life if we would not deflate our bloated ego ourselves neither hand-check our wicked pride. I don’t mean we have to pretend we are a “have-not” or poor if in truth we are rich, for I also always respect the “haves” and their belief that “If you have it, flaunt it.”

I don’t mean also we have to exaggerate simplicity and humility by means of scrambling the right words irresponsibly like a nerd because although our intention is good or we have no malicious motive, still the result would be awkwardly absurd for others to be heard. Like in an Inquirer’s story lately about a great German pastor who only wanted to be introduced simply as something like just a shepherd of the flock when he was invited to speak, thus the host said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our today’s guest speaker is a simple German shepherd.”

Finding joy in simple things would be difficult if one doesn’t start from deep within. He has to realign his focus and perspective of life to have a good grasp of it with spiritual understanding. Israel’s King David knew so well the unhappiness and futility of life if he’d live it continuously in defiance of His will and not take on the Lord’s side. Forgetting his majestic pride, he turned back from his sin with Bathsheba and prayed to his God to create in him a clean heart and a right spirit dwelling inside (Psalms 51:10).

King David knew that when seeking true forgiveness from God, things must begin from his heart. It’s just by contrite spirit and unceremonious, plain repentance, just simple as that.

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