Monday, October 24, 2016


“If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing [it]?” (Matt. 5:46)

I couldn’t remember anymore when was the last time I yelled on top of my lungs for the Ginebra team.  But during that title-clinching sixth game, well, pardon the repetitive cliché:  it was déjà vu all over again.

Yes, for a very long time, I was not merely a Ginebra fanatic:  I was exactly like a now-called “Dutertard” by a Digong critic.  Well, to say it loud matter-of-factly, I was not just for Ginebra, I was for Jaworski.  I would argue and fight against anyone who’d say he was only fond of rough play.  Robert “Big J” Jaworski was not rough:  he was just rugged and playing tough.

More than the crown, what I’m happy for in this once my favorite team is a fine lesson as valuable as I have got from the Bible:  learning to love your enemy.  Why?  Note that the coach that made this latest triumph for the club after eight frustrating years is Tim Cone, once Ginebra fans’ most loathsome coach in the PBA.

Yeah, I couldn’t understand it yesterday why I hated Tim so much for he would ruin my day by just seeing in the news his face.  But after taking some considerations, I found out it was due to his capability to frustrate Ginebra’s bid for the crown always.  And look now, I could not believe I would love Coach Earl Timothy Cone like this.  It’s as if I am so restless now until I meet him in person to give him my embrace.

Therefore, friends, take this unsolicited advice:  harbor not any ill feelings toward any creature.  The days are uncertain:  the person you hate so much today might be your best pal in the future.
Like some daughters of Eve somewhere who love to war against you despite your being clueless, why not just give her the benefit of the doubt about the matter?  Who knows, her tough exterior could only be a protective coloring, below the surface is probably just a frightened girl who has no one in the world to take care of her.

So remember, Oh Christian, it’s your duty to understand (Eccl. 12:13).

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