Saturday, October 1, 2016


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world:  the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man - - - - George Bernard Shaw

I enjoy the spectacle between President Digong and Senator Leila in their word war now which started from little spat.  I hate to compare their tussle to that of two little children playing in the mud and throwing dirt at each other, tit for tat.

Lately, the House of Congress opined that it is amenable to the proposal that the purported controversial sex video of the Senator would be shown in its hollowed, or hallowed—depending on which side you are—halls, ‘in aid of legislation,’ simple and pure.  Regardless of affiliation, suspected closet perverts in Congress could wait no more, knowing that in our society, as one writer said, a man who has love affair may be considered wicked but romantic, while a woman who does the same is called a whore.

But we should understand Congress if they find wisdom in showing it, even before verifying from the experts if the video is fake or authentic.  We voted them into office, which means, we put our trust in them in exchange of loose change they put in us during the elections in this republic.  So for sure they know better.  The way they know pork either.

Just like leaving it to history to judge Digong later regarding his discretion about dealing with drug matter.  He is said to be a lawyer, so I couldn’t argue with him if he says killing is the final solution like did Hitler.  Although it cannot be denied that the bodies littering in the streets only belong to the poor man’s kids.  Not just a few are waiting to see more politicians’ and rich men’s addict children suffer the same fate.

The President is sincere, and hell-bent on stopping this narcotics problem, no matter what the cost.  But others say that it is dangerous to be sincere unless you’re also stupid, ignorant and obtuse.  Will the end really justify the means, even if it’s at three million lives’ expense?  Granting President Digong ends up totally triumphant in his own kind of endeavor, will a succeeding president build later a great statue or temple for and in his honor?

Thousands of years ago, the unbeatable King David of Israel, dubbed “A Man After God’s Own Heart” (1 Sam.13:14; Acts 13:22), desired to build a temple in honor of the God of Israel, nevertheless, God Himself forbade him to do it.  “You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight,” was the Lord told David through a prophet (1 Chronicles 22:8).

Indeed, contrary to skeptics and agnostics accusation that the Lord God of the Old Testament is a vengeful and murderous Deity, the same Testament would reveal too how He values holiness and purity in bestowing honor; in His eyes, murder is always dirty.

But of course, it’s not me or that fellow who can say who among us is right or wrong.  There’s the Word of God to guide us, after all, we’ll all be facing the Judgment Throne.

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