Saturday, October 22, 2016


I pity Jojo.  I’ve always thought he is many times over more learned or blessed than I am, or what pagans described as “luckier.”  I remember a neighbor slapping one of our drinking buddies after the latter told him that compared to Jojo, I was the handsomer.

And I am still wondering for that neighbor, why was he so enraged with the answer that propelled him to do that?  After the incident I remember asking that question so often in front of the mirror while standing, sitting or lying flat. 

I have always thought too that I was more adventurous than Jojo but again I was wrong, unlike me who stayed in relative’s abode, he managed to live in the big city on his own.  Thus, when he reached the country’s eastern mountains and flirted with forestation, I was convinced that with his sense of adventure like that, he deserved wider horizons.

And Jojo once tried to dwell happily in the desert where values were high, especially financially-wise.  But as they say, when love beckons, it’s not hard to decide, even if you’re heading north career-wise.  And Jojo joined the throng of individuals sentenced to life.  He'd chosen a united path where only death could divide.

Jojo was compelled to give up his dry seal in such love’s name, and sang the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band’s “An American Dream.”  And there he was fighting about every domestic issue, that even in his peripheral vision it was clearly a united nightmare for him.

There, he pressed on to become a man he would never be.  There, he won an argument and lost everything else gradually.  There, I fear that he could never be loved as what he is.  There, he might be loved only if he’ll join the money race.  I could only pray for Jojo for God’s enlightenment, patience, understanding, and grace:  to consider his vows and to do things now with dignity than to do it later with disgrace.

But he must do it not at an impulse, however, as there are many things that involved now and the road is still windy, winding and long.  But if push comes to shove, those who truly love Jojo can finish that Beatles’ song, “Get back, get back to where you once belonged.” 

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