Tuesday, February 6, 2018


[Memories from February 6, 2017 at 1:15pm

“It’s only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away…”

These familiar words from my favorite singing group back in high school were my battle cry each time I’d like to woo someone I found to be cool (read: beautiful). Mother may have had boldly argued with anybody that I also had pretty face yet when it came then to girls, it was my words that won my case, partially or in full.

Yeah, I reluctantly admit that I am not good at oral avowal of love because I am a man of slow tongue and slow speech, so to speak.  Nevertheless, back then, I was already fond of writing words when I needed to convey a message too hard to express using my beak.

Falling in love with someone you adore while you both live under one roof for one whole semester, with whom you walk every night to and from school and still you couldn’t speak love is a big boner. That’s why other people settle themselves to become a “mere” writer. But they write only for personal satisfaction and not to make a career.

However, some horribly found out not everything that is made through writing produces a good result. Sometimes, no matter how good their intentions are, things could turn out bad, and it’s their fault.

Being overwhelmed with joy sometimes causes indiscretion and lack of wisdom if not bereft of knowledge. There could be no such thing as sympathy and humanity for the rest even if there’s glaring absence of malice.

But all these years regardless of what others said against me, like disturbing my peace, I never stopped believing in the human race. I believe there’s always a good side in every man, and like the rest, he would know that in all rules, there are some exceptions to these.

But like then, I have quite bitterly learned once again:  Some words are much better left unsaid.

And unwritten.

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