Sunday, December 3, 2017


(A blast from the past:  posted on December 1, 2011 at 2:45pm)
I’m basking in glory upon learning this week of recent milestone of our beloved princess in the family.  Despite insurmountable odds stacked against her, still, she managed to hurdle them successfully.

And I’m unequivocally vocal about a daily tight schedule, no, tighter, of daunting tasks of a struggling ordinary blue collar worker.  Which collar actually turns brown or black at the end of the day, depending on the type of task assigned to him first hour of sunray.

I’m so happy for the princess,  yesterday I dreamed about giving her eternal financial succor all by myself, but it turns out that until today I end up instead at the receiving end of such planned perpetual help.


But that’s life.  And most of the time, life is what we make it.  A dream would be proved useless if we just plan and won’t build it. But there are some of us who just hope that life would be like a drum of chocolates or a jar of cookies. That though they may never know what they’re gonna get, they’d expect whatever would be picked, like a rose by any other name, it’d still be smelled as sweet.

Human experience has taught us that nothing in the world beats hardwork when it comes to success.  After we did our part and not leaving everything to chance, we’d learn to accept things later regardless of what dreams may come.

How do I fare compared to thee, Oh Princess? Let me count the ways.

You’ve gone places, while I remain misplaced.  You reach success still a sacred feminine, while I still remain a scared masculine.

In filling out personal data sheet now, you’d be writing thereon an entry “M.A.,” while I would still matter-of-factly scribble in mine the tediously pathetic “N/A.”

(Congratulations, Ne…)

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