Friday, June 9, 2017


If your life lacks drama and you’re still bored to death and always at a loss on what to do with that life, spend time in the Emergency Room of a hospital, particularly a government hospital, and there you’ll find real life drama of various kind about suffering and strife.

It’s a perfect stage of all reality shows simultaneously showing in all parts of the Earth, where stories of pain and anguish are sure to find and peace and quiet are expected to be dearth.

If you’re seriously contemplating about life and death while witnessing around therein all sorts of cries and wailing, you’d realize after all that you’d nothing to be proud of in this life as you’re only a human being. That you’re just a heartbeat away from death, whether you’re a weak specie or a robust athlete.

When the King of kings and Lord of lords would take back the life from Him you had borrowed, it doesn’t matter whether your current health condition’s in the pale blue, yellowish or pink code.

If the weeping and gnashing of teeth of adult patients receiving initial treatment therein could not touch or move a hardened heart of a criminal equally hardened, try hearing the howls of innocent infants and toddlers receiving their first ever I.V. and you’ll wonder why Satan’s not moved by those cries as you continue to listen.

I have this opinion that the finest hour in a parent’s life is when you sit on bed at night staying awake as you watch your sleeping child, your eyes feasting on his innocent face. No other joy could be culled from any given time of silence in your parenting life that would match such moment so precious and priceless.

Thank God for His immortal words of comfort which still teach us to be still, in the midst of trouble, and to know that He is God (Psalm 46:10) who would truly care and feel. Take it also from the Psalmist who was comforted by the rod and staff of the Good Shepherd even when he walked through the valley of the shadow of death and feared no evil (Psalm 23).

The faith which gives us that cup that runneth over is the same faith that could guarantee us to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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