Sunday, June 11, 2017


(June 11, 2014)

Being a natural one-dimensional being, I salute those persons who could perform multi-tasking. Like Kawhi Leonard who aside from defending Lebron James, he’s also into high scoring. And that makes my human nature tactless enough to ask myself sometimes: Why do those people seem to be too good at doing everything at the same time?

This question popped up in mind too as I take a close look at the photo in the news, featuring the big three senators genuinely beaming wide despite being formally accused. Accused of the crime of plunder, the worst indictment for a robber.

Well, if you’re insistent to know my beef, I’d say, let the courts decide for their case. When you profess to be believer of justice, let the innocent be released, the guilty punished.

Some people are apparently more “lucky” than the others indeed, just like those mentioned elected public officials in the Senate. They are a breed of famous and rich, having alabaster skin and pretty faces, unlike me who would only be described as “tall”(?), dark, and… well, forget it.

They are a race like, wherever they go, whatever they do, they are having their cake and eat it too. They are a rare type of regardless of what’s happening around them, it looks like the word wrong or mistake, or both, to them are clearly alien.

It’s because they have the capability and talent to do everything at the same time an ordinary mortal cannot do. Like if in the past they could be KBL, LDP and Lakas, PMP or PDP-Laban, who knows, they could be LP stalwarts too.

Just perfectly like Congressman Manny Pacquiao, to me the man who can do anything, any way, anyhow. Manny was formally appointed as head coach recently of a newly admitted expansion team in the PBA. And being a winner in any which field he’d venture into, surely, he can do magic with his wand like a tooth fairy.

I can’t wait to hear how will Coach Pacquiao give instructions and devise plays also for his players when the game is on the line and the time remaining is almost zero. Will he be like the great Robert Jaworski, who, when with his chips a play he would draw, he’d glare to his five men first before touching each chip, saying, “This is you… this is you”?

It’s a must for a man to push himself to full extent of his capacity, yet he must remember that everything that excesses may end up a liability.

Too much pressure is given or like a twin to multi-tasking, hence, Manny the congressman and Pacman the boxer might cloud the judgment of Pacquiao the coach during actual basketball game. Without realizing it, he might come up with these instructions he’d presume as defensive gem, “Use head fake as if it’s the N.G.O. we’re faking, and hit ‘em with a vicious hook or jab-straight in the abdomen.”

Multi-tasking measures our capacity but expect no perfection as we are merely a human being. Only Jesus, a Supreme Being, could perfectly do all of them for all things were created by and for Him (Col. 1:16; John 1:3).

As my fave song puts it, “He heals the broken-hearted, He set the captives free; He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see” (Matt. 11:5)

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