Sunday, September 18, 2016


“Friendzone” is one of the most recent popular words and phrases I like so much to have popped out around cyberspace.  From what I have gathered, it’s a kind of situation where one’s been dumped by another he/she would worship and praise.

However, it’s a softened version for the word itself suggests it’s not done in vicious manner considering its root word ‘friend.’  Maybe its inventor’s heart was badly broken, but due to consolation of friendship he/she came up with this nice catchphrase to mend.  It’s logo is beautifully represented by a thumbs-up sign face to face with another hand doing a half-heart design.  When I first heard about it, I’ve tried to recall also how often I’d been into ‘friendzone’ since the beginning of time.

No matter what dumping people may say, I fall in love with their memory, but of course, it doesn’t mean it’s still for the same persons the same way before, it’s now Christian love, as in from a human being to his brethren.  We don’t have to dwell in the past, though I agree some of them are worth revisiting, yet be sure only for some lessons to learn at present, and avoid wishful thinking that you should have married many years ago then.

For how could you get married at the time the love was burning through when marriage would need two to tango?  For how then could you get married when every time you sweetly said “I love you,” her constant reply was “Thank you?”
Therefore, tell rather your present loves you now understand why you never had a satisfactory relationship, if any, before, it’s because he/she hadn’t met you.  Break it to them gently, so passionately, that if you had only known there were human beings like them, you would have married one many, many years ago.
And regarding those who kept you in ‘friendzone,’ be thankful unto them, they’re nicer, or many times better than the ones who for many times too had your heart thinly sliced.  For the latter did not just slice it, they crushed it, and as if put it in a blender without ice, for you to confirm that a creature who betrayed you once would betray you twice.

But deep in our heart, let’s always possess some patience there, did Jesus Himself tell about forgiving seventy times seven our personal offenders (Matthew 18:21-22)?  Thus, don’t ever get tired of understanding people, show that you always care, the important thing is what you left behind in the mind of others.

Therein, a creature once loved lives on.  Even if you’re just confined in ‘friendzone.’

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