Sunday, July 23, 2017


Being one of only few if not the lone guitarman in the “tambayan” along the street of North Kirayan during the 80’s, I had to choose familiar music having easy chords to strum like the melodies of the Bee Gees.

And “Words” was one of the Gibb siblings’ songs which fellow “tambays” loved to sing in disarrayed unison if not the fullest of volume. Most notably at the time was my buddy Damy who would shout its chorus with his mouth an inch away facing my nose, out of tune, unmindful of his alcohol intake’s smell and fume.

“Words don’t come easy,” as another love song says, which veracity thereof I could certify personally being a long-time word-scrambling if not word-bereft or wordless “torpe.” I remember having courted a fellow teener exasperated obviously of my Mafia-like vow of omerta everytime she was in front of me.

I had maintained the sound of silence to the extent of making my neck huffing like a flying dragon lizard’s just to control my severe cough from exploding. Good thing I did let my fingers do the talking, stop that thought, I mean by using a sign language, to ask for a hot water since the itch on my throat then I could no more contain.

Some people have tremendous command of words like the way Mark Twain and The Honorable JCOR, one of the most eloquent judges in the history of the Regional Trial Court, have, most especially during the latter's brief stint in some Branch lately.

One time, there was a just issued court decision which copy thereof was personally served by someone to that Branch’s resident prosecutor who, after reading the same in full, spewed out some expletives beautifully, cursing the magistrate for forcing her to run to the dictionary.

If there would be nobody to say a word to anybody about Somebody, I tell you, everybody would be going mad and live their lives pretty bad. People need the Word always as “[i]n the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)

Still struggling in spirit and under the bondage of sin? Let me paraphrase Joyce Kilmer for you here on FB, my friend:

Posts are made by fools like me, but only God can make you free…

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